Author Topic: Missing blue taxiway lights?  (Read 4130 times)


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Missing blue taxiway lights?
« on: June 16, 2010, 06:14:56 pm »

    I remember seeing blue taxiway lights at jfk or was it my imagination? Everything looks ok except  I see green taxiway-center line lights. I have other airport scenery from FSDREAMTEAM and all of them have the blue taxiway lights that are on a short pole. Any help would be appreciated.

                                                                                            Thank you


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Re: Missing blue taxiway lights?
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2010, 06:30:54 pm »
Hi Yoram777,

I was at jfk last night (for real) and I learned that the blue stakes in the ground do not light up (weird I know). I thought the same thing for the 4 months that I have had the scenery and only now have I confirmed it so dont feel bad.  ;)
Happy Flying,
Pilot and Head of Public Relations