Author Topic: Main Menu Appears Then Immediately Disappears  (Read 125 times)


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Main Menu Appears Then Immediately Disappears
« on: June 29, 2024, 09:31:26 am »
I've just started getting a problem that I have experienced in the past where, upon selecting the GSX icon the main menu appears, the logo starts spinning, then the whole window quickly disappears (also, my assigned GSX keybind doesn't currently do anything).

I've tried with a number of third-party and default airports and a variety of different aircraft (PMDG 737/Fenix A320 etc.) all of which have been fine in the recent past with the same result.

In another thread about menu "flashing" from late last year various suggestions were posted where a few people were having the same issue (setting parking brakes first, running in Admin, resetting Couatl etc.) but that post seemed to just end with no clear resolution. All tried but still currently no joy.

Can anyone suggest why this might be happening or offer anything else I might try? Happy to provide further information as needed.


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Re: Main Menu Appears Then Immediately Disappears
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2024, 01:41:54 pm »
A bit surprised to see no reply on this as it does seem to be an issue that has cropped up a few times with other users.

As it happens, and for no reason I can work out, GSX is currently working again on every load. I have no explanation and nothing whatsoever has changed.

I would still appreciate any thoughts, perhaps especially from the developer, on the wider question of what might be happening as I have no doubt that the problem will appear again.