Author Topic: Pushback Communication for VA apps  (Read 1949 times)


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Pushback Communication for VA apps
« on: June 21, 2024, 10:43:12 am »

I am the chief I.T. dept. of a virtual airline operating on Vatsim. Is it possible to communicate with the pushback system via LVars instead of using and clicking on GSX menus? I mean, do you have a thread loop which continously checks some specific (and allowed) writable LVars from 3rd party?

Our app tracks the passenger numbers and weight figures on board, evaluates it with the simbrief/dispatch planning and can determine if boarding is complete, doors closed, beacon ON, seatbelts ON etc.

What I'd like to do is.. to call the pushback crew when the aircraft is ready for that... and to do this without having to click on the gsx menus.


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Re: Pushback Communication for VA apps
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2024, 10:49:12 am »
And would be great to see the stairways/jetways to react and baggage handlers to arrive automatically when called by the app via LVars upon engine shutdown and parkingbrake set (beacon off state could be included for this)


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Re: Pushback Communication for VA apps
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2024, 10:51:31 am »
Sorry about my inability to be clear due to my poor English, I hope I am clear enough about what I want. Just like we read your LVars for some operations, maybe you can read some of your own LVars (which you'd allow to be written on) for some of your operations.