If there was something you could adjust so they show up in VR little better (from pilot seat to the rear galley that would be cool)
It's caused by the different LOD scales in VR, but since LODs can't be changed dynamically, we would probably need to have some VR switch in the installer, so you will have to configure for VR before the sim starts and you won't be able to change it in game.
yes if you can implement something like that I would be fine with it. However you can fix, it would be great switch, or what not. Sure !
some slightly better LOD for VR, same really happens with suitcases when they load them, as other said as long as the doors closed they are gone "OFF" it is good too then for landing takeoff they are out of the way as they do have quite a bit of impact on performance.
keep in mind they also disappear in 2D at seat row 28 so even for 2D LOD is "too short" not the proper way to describe it but you know what i mean i hope
anyways if you could fix it up that would be great, otherwise great job overall hoping for more aircraft coming soon

got message from Umberto
I WILL TRY LATER TO UP MY LOD in VR IT MIGHT HELP I only have it at 120 i think not very high