Author Topic: 3.0.7: doors closing & ladders going away  (Read 712 times)


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3.0.7: doors closing & ladders going away
« on: July 24, 2024, 11:41:10 am »
Since last 3.0.7 version I have the feeling that the doors closing & ladders going away, do not behave like before for the PMDG 737-700 (CONFIG: cabin passengers ON, boading on foot, no PAX trucks).

Previously, if I remember me well (not 100% sure of it), I think, the first things which was done, as soons as the preparation for pushback sequence was launched, ladders were going away and the doors would close. Actually, this happen much later, after the pushback tug has connected.

I saw also something suspicous. When preparation for pushback started, I saw the back door having an erratic move (like a close, followed immediately by an open command).

maybe this is a voluntary correction ?

I am curious to know.