Author Topic: MSFS loses focus when Couatl is restarted  (Read 920 times)


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MSFS loses focus when Couatl is restarted
« on: April 17, 2024, 06:37:50 pm »
Since a few weeks now, I noticed that MSFS loses focus during flight and I have to click into the application again.
If have tried to find the cause and by now I'm fairly certain that it occurs after GSX has crashed. I assume that the start of the new Couatl instance steals the focus. Since this happens every flight, I find it a bit annoying. Is it possible to start Couatl in the background without stealing focus from the simulator? Or to prevent the crashes entirely?


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Re: MSFS loses focus when Couatl is restarted
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2024, 12:04:20 am »
It we could prevent crashes, which seems to be very likely caused by issues with the Navdata API (so we cannot really prevent them), there wouldn't be any need for a restarter to begin with. Another confirmed reason for crashes, is having changed the properties for the Couatl engine to run as Admin, which is not how we install it, see here:,31450.msg200500.html#msg200500

We'll check if it's possible to either restart without getting focus or, possibly, giving back the focus to the sim.


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Re: MSFS loses focus when Couatl is restarted
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2024, 09:32:53 am »
We'll check if it's possible to either restart without getting focus or, possibly, giving back the focus to the sim.

Thank you, glad to hear that.

As for admin, it is not set for either Couatl64_boot.exe or Couatl64_MSFS.exe. I'm also not sure, if this issue is caused by the Navdata API, as couatl used to run rock solid for me and the crashes have started, once you made changes to the Win 8 compatibility mode. It's this issue for me:,31362.0.html
Happens almost every flight. On the rare cases that it does not crash, the sim does not lose focus, that's why I'm sure by now the focus loss is causes by the restarter.


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Re: MSFS loses focus when Couatl is restarted
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2024, 03:24:21 pm »
crashes have started, once you made changes to the Win 8 compatibility mode.

You quoted a forum post in which I explain you just set the Windows 8 Compatibility mode that works best for you. We suspect it's only required because you are running other addons that requires it, because there's just nothing Windows 8-related in our software, and it's 100% rock solid and 100% crash free here, with Windows 8 Compatibility mode disabled.

But again, the setting is there so you can change it.