Author Topic: default airports jetways  (Read 880 times)


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default airports jetways
« on: April 16, 2024, 01:21:25 pm »
hello , the jetways in the default airports are not operational , i did an update but no luck
what should i do ?

thank you


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Re: default airports jetways
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2024, 12:12:44 am »
Nothing in GSX affects jetways. They work, or not, depending only by a COMBINATION of all the following factors:

- How the airplane exits are defined.

- How you parked the airplane in relationship to the gate

- How the jetway is modeled

- How the jetway is inserted in the scenery.

Now, assuming that with " jetways in the default airports", you mean GSX replacement jetways for default airports, and with "default airports", you mean *really* default airports and not, for example, handcrafted airports included either in the base sim on in various in World updates (those are not default, they are like 3rd party offered for free with the sim so they MUST be excluded like any other 3rd party airport), so you are really on a bare default airport and you see GSX jetways, they are modeled with the exact dimensions of the stock jetways, and are inserted in the exact same position as the default jetway was, so this excludes the last two issues.

If you are on an handcrafted airports, so it's not default, you MUST Disable the GSX replacement jetways, which is what GSX always does automatically when you first install it or when you run an Update but, if you downloaded a new World update (or in any other case when you add a new scenery after installing GSX), you should always return to the GSX Config Page to re-run the detection for 3rd party sceneries.