Author Topic: Co Pilot does NOT respond to ATC after touchdown  (Read 1186 times)


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Co Pilot does NOT respond to ATC after touchdown
« on: April 01, 2024, 10:02:10 am »
HI, good day to you.
I have a small problem that is occuring after the last 2 updates to GSX Pro.
Flight from EGCN to EGNM (ORBX) in the MSFS supplied Airbus 320 Neo.
As the title suggests, There is no reply from the co pilot to ATC AFTER touchdown.
Pushback, Taxying, Flight and Approach work perfectly in all respects.
After touchdown, ATC says take next taxiway, contact ground etc, The co pilot does NOT reply, ATC repeats the call, then terminates the flight.
Pressing No.1 on the keyboard does NOT work, but using the mouse to click in the ATC window DOES work.
I not aware of any MSFS updates in the last 2 weeks, but there have been some GSX Pro updates, is it possible that something has altered recently.
Or perhaps I have missed a setting somewhere.
MSFS2020 version
NOT in Beta 15
GSX Pro version 2.9.7
Many thanks for a great product.
Best regards, Martin.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2024, 01:38:52 pm by mwyatt »


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Re: Co Pilot does NOT respond to ATC after touchdown
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2024, 09:06:45 pm »
I've had that happen more than once. For me, a simple check of my in-game settings after landing showed the little slider bar for "co-pilot handles ATC" was set to "off". By itself, I don't know. But I normally take over comms anyway.


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Re: Co Pilot does NOT respond to ATC after touchdown
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2024, 08:52:08 am »
ok  must be  missing  some  thing correct me if  iam  wrong,, but  what  does  msfs  atc  got  to do  with gsx?


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Re: Co Pilot does NOT respond to ATC after touchdown
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2024, 10:33:16 am »
Thanks for your replies.
The setting for the co pilot to handle ATC is set correctly at all times.
What I suspect is happening, but I am not sure !, is that GSX restarts/reloads upon touchdown, and the increased load on the PC makes some other services stop ,or go very slow.
I was hoping that Umberto might have a view on this problem, and suggest a fix, or a way of reducing the load at touchdown.
I have tried restarting GSX about 2 miles before touchdown, and that is usually successful in that ATC continues properly.
I always live in hope !!
 Best regards, Martin.


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Re: Co Pilot does NOT respond to ATC after touchdown
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2024, 04:53:23 pm »
There's exactly zero interaction between the default ATC and GSX.

Also, at the precise moment of touch down, GSX is not doing anything. To prevent stuttering when wheels touch ground, even if you pre-selected a gate in flight with GSX, which would normally trigger preparing it with all GSX vehicles at the gate, nothing is created when you touch down but, instead, the parked objects creation is delayed until your speed goes below 25 kts. If you don't pre-select a gate in flight, this won't matter, since GSX objects won't be created until after you select a gate with GSX after landing.

So no, there's no extra load at touchdown caused by GSX, regardless of if you preselect a gate in flight or not. That is if we are referring to the load caused by the extra objects loaded by GSX, which is the only time when GSX can (indirectly) cause the simulator to pause.

The other time when GSX needs to receive lots of data from the sim, is when entering the airport visibility range, since GSX will query Simconnect Navdata to get all data about the airport, which in case of large airports with lots of parking spot, it might cause a temporary increase in traffic over Simconnect but, obviously, it's not as if we could skip this step: how else would be able to know about parking spots and the taxiway layout ?

By default, the default airport "visibility" range is set to be a 3.0 NM radius around the airport center, but it's possible to change it, the manual has a chapter about airport visibility, of course. On a few airports that have a very large area (like EHAM or KDEN, for example) it's possible that 3.0 NM might still be close to the runway threshold, so you might try to increase the visibility range for these airports.

But it's not as if you are free to make it as large as you want: after a certain distance, which is about 5 NM outside the airport, MSFS won't load the airport jetways, so if you set the visibility range, forcing GSX to ask data earlier, if it's done before jetways are ready, it will cause the Navdata reporting the airport has no jetways. GSX *obviously* have code to minimize the issue, because it will query again for jetways after you reach your parking spot but, it's still not ideal, because assuming no parking has jetways would cause the GSX menu to show incorrect information so, there IS a reason why we set the default visibility range at 3.0 NM, you have *some* leeway to increase it, but not much.


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Re: Co Pilot does NOT respond to ATC after touchdown
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2024, 06:21:38 pm »
Hi Umberto, many thanks for your very detailed reply.
I can only assume that the loading at touchdown is MSFS itself.
Maybe I need to reduce the settings within the Simulator to improve the performance.
Once again, thanks for your explanations, much appreciated.