At the moment my airports are recognizable by the SDK Dev scenery tool, I can play on them, and see them on the MSFS menu.
Your airport is not fully legal, no matter if you can see it or not.
One thing is to receive the "isolated" message... (which I understand is related to your answer) and another thing is to receive the "no nav data for this airport" message.
Of course they are different things:
- A message about an isolated parking means the parking you are currently located on is not connected to a taxiway path, found in an airport that on a first sight, it formally correct, and might have other non-isolated parking spots. Sure, it might be possible that ALL parking spots are isolated, making the airport unusable as well but, since some parking spots have been found, and a taxiway layout has been found, the airport won't be *immediately* rejected and you'll see this message, because GSX assumes that other parking spots MIGHT not be isolated.
- A message about no nav data for the airport, means the airport doesn't even *have* the minimum requirement for GSX to work, which is at least two parking spots and a taxiway layout.
But what I don't want is to spend time on adding this services path and at the end keep having the "no nav data for this airport message".
You want the airport to be compatible with GSX? Then you need to do that.