Author Topic: On arrival: remove MSFS vehicles from the GSX parking axis  (Read 862 times)


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On arrival: remove MSFS vehicles from the GSX parking axis
« on: March 27, 2024, 11:41:53 am »

I use GSX Pro (very good) and often encounter a problem that spoils the end of the flight.
When I arrive at the selected free gate, I have the GSX team waiting for me but sometimes on the arrival axis the airport scenery puts a truck or others.
Is there a setting to increase the "cleaning" diameter of non-GSX objects for the chosen parking space.

Thank you in advance for your help.


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Re: On arrival: remove MSFS vehicles from the GSX parking axis
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2024, 01:35:18 am »
Are you sure those vehicles are standard GroundVehicles and not, perhaps, extra static detail placed by the scenery developer? In that case, those can't be removed, since they are not separate Ground vehicles.


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Re: On arrival: remove MSFS vehicles from the GSX parking axis
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2024, 10:12:08 am »
Thank you for your answer, I think it is a static object. This always happens on arrival (example: LFMN 1.3.0 from JustSim) even though I requested a gate available from GSX. The object is placed on or very close to the trajectory and remains stationary throughout the deboarding and even after.
It's frustrating, during the final guidance by the marshaller, to have to "pierce" an inert vehicle.


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Re: On arrival: remove MSFS vehicles from the GSX parking axis
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2024, 01:38:22 pm »
It's a matter of approaching scenery design. We design our airports with usability first, with obviously a great attention to GSX so, especially in the later ones, like KIAH, everything we placed was based thinking how it would affect ground services. This sometimes results in users complaining the scenery doesn't look "busy" like others, although they usually are better in performance.

Lots of developers, instead, stuff the airport with static detail you can't remove, so they look busy and detailed on screenshot, but then you are left with a less usable product, because of fps impact, high number of objects, and worse ground services, all things that, to me, SHOULD matter more than make nice screenshot.