I have a similar problem with refueling:
(Both in the Headwind A330 and the FBWA320)
I use the EFB to set the amount of fuel and start the refueling. As expected, the fuel truck from GSX is called and after some time arrives. Once I get the notification, I start the refueling
via the EFB. During the refueling process I get the notifications from GSX regarding the fuel amount and the display on the fuel truck is also counting the fuel. Once the set amount of fuel is reached, the fuel truck starts to disconnect and drives away. So far so normal.
However, Without calling the fuel truck or touching the fuel page on the EFB, after a few moments I get a GSX notification "Fuel truck is on its way" and the fuel truck appears.
Does anybody knows, what I am doing wrong or is it a problem of the FBW system interacting with GSX?
Would be lovely to have an option in the GSX menue to cancel the fuel truck.