Author Topic: v2.9.2 2458Pe Staircase  (Read 1585 times)


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v2.9.2 2458Pe Staircase
« on: February 26, 2024, 01:06:36 am »
Hi, I like the new addition but at my home airport these are not used, how do i change them for the previous one, couldn't find it in the manual. Thank you


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Re: v2.9.2 2458Pe Staircase
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2024, 11:07:07 am »
You can apply (in reverse) the suggestion In this post, which complained about the stairs you want to get back to be unrealistic and a step back:,22606.msg152534.html#msg152534


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Re: v2.9.2 2458Pe Staircase
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2024, 02:35:47 pm »
Sorry but those instructions are not clear for me in that thread


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Re: v2.9.2 2458Pe Staircase
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2024, 07:59:06 pm »
and BTW I don't want those staircases in that thread but the ones we where having since this latest version 2.9.2,  'cause as I stated, this new ones, are not used at my airport and I can imagine they are not used also in other hundreds of airports.
Si this should be an option.


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Re: v2.9.2 2458Pe Staircase
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2024, 08:39:22 pm »
That post linked was mine from P3D, The file names within MSFS are not the same and it is not clear what file I need to change. The option to choose, either by airport/handling agent/region, or even manually would be great. In the meantime, is there a way I can disable the 2458Pe stairs, at least for the B738?


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Re: v2.9.2 2458Pe Staircase
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2024, 09:40:20 am »
and BTW I don't want those staircases in that thread but the ones we where having since this latest version 2.9.2

You can't get the "stairs you want", it depends on the airplane.

The stair MUST fit the airplane door so, for example, if you use a 737, the front door will ALWAYS get the previous unmanned stairs (CDS) you said you don't want, because BACK THEN, they were the only stairs which could go low enough to line up with the 737 FRONT exit.

NOW, we have an additional and much better-looking Stair that can be used on the front door of a 737, so now you will either get the new one OR the one you "don't want", because those are the only ones that could fit a 737 front door. That's what that thread really meant, and I posted it just as an example to make understand how the height constraints work, of course the P3D objects are not always in the same places or identical, but I thought it was easy enough to find them.

However, in 2.9.3, we change the allowed height constraints so now, you will get both kind of stairs, on the front door of the 737, or in all situations where more than one height range is overlapping over multiple objects, so the selection is random amongst all the ones that matches all the constraints.


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Re: v2.9.2 2458Pe Staircase
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2024, 01:49:53 pm »
The selection doesn't appear to be random, since the update I have not seen the old non-motorised steps (or the older motorised steps for that matter) on a 737 once in multiple flights, despite restarting coutl multiple times in the hopes of getting them. Is there a way that we can manually select these to appear for the 737 instead of the new steps, either in menu or in the file system?


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Re: v2.9.2 2458Pe Staircase
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2024, 03:11:34 pm »
The selection doesn't appear to be random

I never said it's just random. It's random is random amongst all the ones that matches all the constraints which is also why I linked to a post that even explains where the constraints are and how to change them.

since the update I have not seen the old non-motorized steps (or the older motorized steps for that matter) on a 737 once in multiple flights

If you mean the PREVIOUS 2.9.2 update then yes, it was random ON A 737, because so many people complained about getting the "wrong" (wrong = unmanned) stairs on front that we thought most users would be happy to have the new much better looking model that IS used in real life on a 737 so, we set NON-OVERALAPPING constraints, so a 737 would only get the new stair.

Apparently, somebody liked the old one as well, so in the CURRENT 2.9.3 update, we changed the constraints (see release notes), so now you will have again a random selection between the old and the new stairs on a 737, because now their respective height constraints OVERLAP.

Is there a way that we can manually select these to appear for the 737 instead of the new steps, either in menu or in the file system?

Again, I linked an old post which explains how to do that, yes it's for P3D, but the constraining rules are identical so, you can apply the same principle to MSFS, the only difference is the various SIM.CFG files are in the \Addon manager\MSFS\fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways packages Simobject folders and, in MSFS, you must clear the model cache each time you make a change, then restart the Couatl engine.

And of course, the next GSX update will overwrite you changes.


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Re: v2.9.2 2458Pe Staircase
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2024, 11:23:07 pm »
You can apply (in reverse) the suggestion In this post, which complained about the stairs you want to get back to be unrealistic and a step back:,22606.msg152534.html#msg152534

Is there a way to get rid of or adjust the temperature constraints for the sun/rain covers?


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Re: v2.9.2 2458Pe Staircase
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2024, 11:12:06 am »
Is there a way to get rid of or adjust the temperature constraints for the sun/rain covers?

You must change the object .XML but, it would be best if you said why you wanted them to change in the first place.


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Re: v2.9.2 2458Pe Staircase
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2024, 05:16:24 am »
Any idea how the new spawn feature works cause the changelog mentions rainy and snow the covered stairs would appear but i am seeing mix issues where the front and rear stairs are different as in the front door has the covered roof stairs and the rear being completely non covered plus the weather at that time is sunny weather. In my airport we do not have these sort of roof stairs for the major part of the country.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 05:18:10 am by jahurz »


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Re: v2.9.2 2458Pe Staircase
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2024, 12:01:05 am »
i am seeing mix issues where the front and rear stairs are different as in the front door has the covered roof stairs and the rear being completely non covered plus the weather at that time is sunny weather.

It's normal:

- The new stairs will be covered if the temperature is either cold or hot OR it's raining/snowing

- The old stairs will be covered ONLY if it's raining/snowing

So yes, if you are in good weather, it's normal you would see the older model uncovered and the new one covered.