Everything runs smoothly, but I can't find the error why GSX doesn't save the edited Ini file and all my work is lost. Please help.
Python 2.7.13 Stackless 3.1b3 060516 (default, May 22 2017, 13:45:26) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] wxPython
couatl v3.2 (build 5318)
log started on Mon Feb 12 13:47:13 2024
connecting to SimConnect...
connected to SimConnect
connected to bglmanx
Simulator version: 10 0 61637 0
Running in mode: FSX (bglmanx setting)
pathToUserCfg() DOES NOT EXIST!!! "<path not found>\Usercfg.opt"

Loading addons
Loading addon common
Added Menu Item "Couatl settings" (id 68)
Addon common loaded
Loading addon LiveUpdate
Added Menu Item "Couatl Live Update" (id 70)
Added Menu SubItem "Disable" (parentId 70, id 71)
Addon LiveUpdate loaded
requesting AddOn list to bglmanx
Common onAppStart
Added Menu SubItem "Check Live Update" (parentId 70, id 72)
Slew mode False
host file found, checking it
Added Menu SubItem "Restart Couatl" (parentId 68, id 74)
Added Menu SubItem "Restart Couatl and rebuild airport cache" (parentId 68, id 75)
Added Menu SubItem "Key Mappings..." (parentId 68, id 76)