Author Topic: Uninstalled GSX  (Read 860 times)


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Uninstalled GSX
« on: January 22, 2024, 10:59:54 pm »
Hi folks, i just uninstalled GSX :'(
After a week of trying to get GSX to run it just is a disaster. I have downloaded some profiles but it all does not matter. Half the time the menu is in a rotating freeze state so i have to restart Couatl for the fifth time (admin start without AV)
Sometimes GSX will board passengers, sometimes it refuses and only the lugage is loaded. Weird that Boarding and lugage are bound to each other. Boarding should also be split up in pilots, crew and passengers, all separate options. Pushback and the meny will continue in a spin freeze so i have to restart Couatl and everything is reset again...OMG
The biggest disadvantage are airport not compatible with GSX (about 70%) as Asobo has done sloppy work. pushbacktugs are standing on roofs, jetways do not connect. I have spend sooo much time trying to make GSX work. I'd rather fly than pulling my hair out. I hope devs will continue developing GSX and maybe ofver a year i will have a look again how it is by then.

Flaps up


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Re: Uninstalled GSX
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2024, 05:48:04 pm »
Nothing of what you are describing normally happens, and if it happened to you, there's surely a solution and it's not a GSX "bug", just a matter of using it correctly and knowing the simulator limitations. Let's see:

I have downloaded some profiles but it all does not matter

This is obviously wrong. It's impossible you won't see a difference with or without a profile. Not that this really matters, since GSX works just fine without a profile, and nothing of what you reported has anything to do with the usage of a profile

Half the time the menu is in a rotating freeze state so i have to restart Couatl for the fifth time (admin start without AV)

That's two mistakes in one:

- You should never start Couatl as Admin, that's not how we install it so, why did you decide to change the default? The one and only case when you'll have to start it as admin, is if your Windows user account has limited permission. But other than that, you should never run it as admin

- We never, ever, suggested to "disable" the antivirus. The antivirus can't really be "disabled", unless you uninstall it but, even if you uninstall a 3rd party antivirus, the default Windows Defender will take over, and that must be configured correctly just like any other antivirus.

So no, the antivirus should never be "disabled" but, instead, correctly configured to add the whole "Addon Manager" folder to the antivirus Exclusions. And no, it's not the same: we experienced this firsthand many times, unless you add the Exclusions, the antivirus might still interfere even if you think you "turned it off" (you haven't, its low-level service is still running).

The spinning loading is almost invariably caused by your simulator too taxed by too many add-ons instead and/or having reached the maximum number of Simobject allowed in the sim, because your settings (especially AI) are too high. When this happens, Simconnect breaks down and the sim just stops to talk with GSX.

In most cases, this is solved by selecting "Restart" from the Couatl icon in the notification tray area and WAIT a bit before opening the toolbar menu again. If you open it too quickly when is still restarting, you are **causing** the spinning wheel!

Sometimes GSX will board passengers, sometimes it refuses

You are making it sound as if GSX "randomly" does things. It doesn't. There's always a REASON why things happens and when they do, GSX will always tell you why, with some message.

That is, assuming you don't do the MISTAKE of using GSX in the wrong way, by always closing it from the Toolbar, which is NOT how the menu is supposed to be used. As clearly explained in the manual, the correct usage of the menu is:

- Opening with a click of the mouse on the Toolbar when you start using it.

- DO NOT close it with the toolbar menu, only close it from the X icon or the hotkey.

- Open it again ONLY with the hotkey.

- Close it from the Toolbar only when you are done for this session, for example after pushback.

If you don't do this, other than having to needlessly click twice on the Toolbar to re-open it, the main problem is you will disrupt the program flow AND you'll be missing messages that are trying to EXPLAIN why things happened.

So, for example, in case of passengers, when there's a jetway, the most common case for passengers not showing, is a problem with the jetway that hasn't properly docked, and GSX will tell you if that's the case (the jetway is NOT controlled by GSX, but GSX can read its state) and will tell you passengers won't show because of that. Assuming you are using the menu correctly, as explained above, otherwise you won't see any messages, wondering what's really happening.

A common reason jetway don't work, is also a failure to exclude GSX replacement jetways on a 3rd party airport. Normally GSX does that automatically when you first install it or when you update it but, if you install a new scenery without updating GSX, you MUST go back in GSX Config page again and run the "Exclude 3rd party" routine, and make sure it has been recognized and added to the Disabled list. And if the scenery doesn't conform to the official naming standard (most freeware don't), it must be added manually by adding its ICAO code to the Disabled list.

A conflict caused by having forgot to check GSX replacement jetways are all Disabled for all your 3rd party scenery, will manifest as duplicated parking spots in the Main Menu map. If you see those, you can be SURE that everything related to jetways won't work, and GSX in general won't work, because it's getting conflicting parking positions.

The biggest disadvantage are airport not compatible with GSX (about 70%) as Asobo has done sloppy work

There isn't any airport "not compatible" with GSX so no, the percentage is really 0%. But of course, with a profile they'll work much better. However, most of the good airport profiles out there, are for payware airports, since most creators *because* "Asobo has done sloppy work", won't bother working on something that has other issues REGARDLESS of GSX.

ushbacktugs are standing on roofs

This is of course fixable with an airport profile. It's caused by building crashboxes, which not only cause issues to GSX, but slow down fps too. That's why lots of experienced airport developers turn them off.

jetways do not connect.

This is completely unrelated to GSX. GSX doesn't have any control of how good (or bad) a jetway will work.

I'd rather fly than pulling my hair out. I hope devs will continue developing GSX and maybe of vear a year i will have a look again how it is by then.

There isn't a single thing you reported that is a GSX problem or something we can or should "fix".

Every single thing you reported it's either caused by a simulator limitation ( the maximum number of Simboject is something you must be aware of, because it can affect everything ), or a failure to understand how to use it correctly, particularly the issue about being sure jetways are excluded for 3rd party airports (AND handcrafted airports too) and the correct usage of the menu.

But the main one is first being sure Simconnect hasn't broken down because of too many objects. If Simconnect breaks down, nothing will work, basically.

The ONE and ONLY thing I see in your report we can improve, is this:

Boarding should also be split up in pilots, crew and passengers, all separate options.

This is not obviously a bug, it's just a design decision, and we confirmed multiple times it's under consideration for an update.