Author Topic: Microsoft GAVE US PERMISSION!!!  (Read 72062 times)


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    • SludgeHornet.NET
« Reply #45 on: June 01, 2010, 06:29:32 am »

Ya, fair nuff, I see what youre saying about the expandability but I just dont see paying for it.  I mean, with JR's refueling gauge we have air to air refueling thats controlled with refueling zones (level 1=big zone/easier, level 2=small zone/difficult), and its free.  The tanker (boom/aircrew) talking or actually connecting to the hose would be nice, but its a complete luxury.  Im also talking with others about making LSO scripts, similar to the Top Gun missions, and those will be free.  Additionally, all the mods coming up for the Hornet (ie. collimated HUD, additional model changes) will always be free, at least anything I have a hand in or put out there.

Sorry to say, but I dont need weapons in FSX.  It's nice but more of a novelty IN FSX.  There's no air war to fight, no campaign... so there's no real point, so other than shooting down civilian airliners, or the few others who have the Tac Pack in multiplayer, so it doesnt get me fired up.

Seriously, Im good enough with the FSX Hornet, or the Capt Sim Hornet D's every now and then.



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« Reply #46 on: June 01, 2010, 04:41:12 pm »
Hey Sludge, I have a request for a model change if you can swing it: The Accleration Hornet has two levels of detail (LOD's) built into the model. Do you think it would be possible to remove the lower LOD so only the fully animated model remains? Thx.


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    • SludgeHornet.NET
« Reply #47 on: June 01, 2010, 05:21:33 pm »

Im not that far into the weeds (detailed understanding) of the FSX Hornet, so Ill talk to a few people that I know and see if that can be done.  I'm still learning alot as I go too.



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« Reply #48 on: June 01, 2010, 06:50:32 pm »
This isn't about sales pitches, the major problem with FSX regarding combat aircraft, inflight refuelling and also weapons is lack of standardisation. Now if for example FSDT decided to do an F-14 in the future(of course they could since there are experts of this aircraft on this forum) a mod such as the TACPack could be used to make those weapons work just like all the other mods that are used on FSX such as graphics enhancements/weather etc. So its not about VRS Superhornet just firing missiles instead it could be other aircraft as well. A guy such as yourself modding the aircraft such as the Hornet could add weapons feaures with such a possibility its a pity that there are such limitations though. It would be cooler if there was a sim like FSX with more modability although there are other sims in development it may be years before we start seeing those released. An example of inflight refuelling is in Accl you refuel just by sitting behind the tanker with VRS TAc pack you would have to connect to the drogue to refuel. Such features could be further enhanced in FSX such as using the LSO script and ATC to make the Tankers talk back to the pilots etc like in Falcon.

Don't forget that even without ALL the weapons and weapon related sim stuff like the Countermeasures Dispensing System and the Electronic Warfare Self-Protection Suite the VRS is still an amazing aircraft purely from the flight dynamics, and avionics simulation perspective. Just last night I had a generator failure on landing and had to tie the buses, push Eletrical RESET, and hope the generator came back after cycling (it did). Hydraulics, electrical, engine, and fuel are amazingly fun things to manage on a tactical fighter jet even with ZERO weapons release ability. I overheated my FCS the other day while taking 1 minute too long to start up in the Las Vegas heat (FS Dream Team's own McCarran in fact), and I can't describe how fun it is to almost ruin the jet from your own mistakes. This is a simulation on a level with PMDG stuff, and that's before you even leave NAV master mode and turn power on to the pylons.

In addition I'd like to remind everyone that the Acceleration Hornet is a F/A-18A and the VRS is a E, so I account for the lack of weapons in Accel's Hornet as a tribute to the real A's inability to carry weapons without a retrofit with C components (much like Finland and Spain did). Both planes are amazing, but the VRS is really in a class of its own even when you subtract all combat ability from it. I understand Sludge's concern about this turning into a sales pitch forum but I don't think that's the case. Everybody who owns the VRS and can run it well is just in awe that there is finally a pro quality simulation of an aircraft for a tactical high-performance fighter (not even including the weapons).



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« Reply #49 on: June 01, 2010, 10:47:06 pm »
OK - I'll bite. What happens when the moderator gets fed up with the B/S about the VRS? We lose this thread and the very worthwhile info about the FSX Hornet and the mods to it. Many a thread with great info (from me!) has been lost due to this issue when subject was the Super Hornet. I'm not complaining just pointing out the risks. Personally I don't see the point of raving about the VRS stuff. This is not the forum for it. Any points about it have been made by now. Thank you and good night.  ;D
RAN FAA A4G NAS Nowra ɐıןɐɹʇsn∀ :-)


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« Reply #50 on: June 01, 2010, 11:57:22 pm »
My point is that the Tacpack could make the possibility for weapons on the Accel Hornet as well. After using Arma and seeing all the advantages of such mods in action I see the possibility of people in the community modding weapons on the accl hornet and with the Tacpack it might be possible to add it to other aircraft as well. Ideally what FSX needs is a mod such as the Tac Pack to standardise weapons/tankers etc so that its mp compatible if there should ever be a mp mod for it. If there is no standardisation with combat mods then you wind up with incompatibility in mp and also cheating. The ideal situation is one where a combat mod is created with its own MP code that enables combat in a MP enviroment. This would allow for some awesome mods such as Ship combat, air combat and even land combat. Theres alot of potential there but I'd be happy just dropping bombs on targets or even just having external weapons on the accel hornet which could be dropped to lower the landing weight of the bird prior to a trap. Either way I encourage people to mod the hell out of the accel Hornet but just be sure to have a sticky on this forum with an install list and download mirrors/links so people can make use of the hard work people have put in to improve the Hornet.


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    • SludgeHornet.NET
« Reply #51 on: June 02, 2010, 02:46:33 am »

Dont worry, if Virtuali gets bent about where this post has gone, he can just delete the "offending" posts and keep alot of the good information that was passed before this became a VRS debate.

Everybody who owns the VRS and can run it well is just in awe that there is finally a pro quality simulation of an aircraft for a tactical high-performance fighter (not even including the weapons).


Thats my point.  It takes a monster rig and alot of tweaking to run the 'Bug well.  I know this because I dont have a monster machine and when I did have it, it was a frame rate HOG (10-15 fps in city) and it wasnt all that, IN MY OPINION.  Thats why Im happy with the default and Sludge Hornets.

Cloud and SUBS...

Can you leave "well enough" alone?  For those of us that are happy with the default and Sludge Hornets that run "well enough".  I dont want the 'Bug or the Tac Pack, wont pay for it, and there are people here that wont either.  Just let it go and if you guys like the 'Bug soo much, keep flying it, brag about it somewhere else...  and let us go our way.  This feels like a bad VRS commercial during the SuperBowl.  Wish I had a DVR to fast forward thru it.



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« Reply #52 on: June 02, 2010, 02:58:06 am »
Sludge, don't despair. Just had a chance to install your SLUDGE package on a new install of FSX on Win7 64bits. Works a treat. Excellent. Very nice to fly. Thanks for your hard work. With the others mentioned in your readme text you have made a very realistic flying Hornet for FSX. Thanks to all for their hard work on it.  :-*
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 03:13:37 am by SpazSinbad »
RAN FAA A4G NAS Nowra ɐıןɐɹʇsn∀ :-)


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« Reply #53 on: June 02, 2010, 04:34:59 am »

Can you leave "well enough" alone?  For those of us that are happy with the default and Sludge Hornets that run "well enough".  I dont want the 'Bug or the Tac Pack, wont pay for it, and there are people here that wont either.  Just let it go and if you guys like the 'Bug soo much, keep flying it, brag about it somewhere else...  and let us go our way.  This feels like a bad VRS commercial during the SuperBowl.  Wish I had a DVR to fast forward thru it.


Its not really the point I was trying to get accross, its not about VRS Superhornet as such its just about what is possible. So when is someone going to put a Sticky on the forum for the best mods for the acceleration Hornet? BTW what else are you planning on adding to the Hornet for mods?


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« Reply #54 on: June 02, 2010, 07:54:14 pm »

Can you leave "well enough" alone?  For those of us that are happy with the default and Sludge Hornets that run "well enough".  I dont want the 'Bug or the Tac Pack, wont pay for it, and there are people here that wont either.  Just let it go and if you guys like the 'Bug soo much, keep flying it, brag about it somewhere else...  and let us go our way.  This feels like a bad VRS commercial during the SuperBowl.  Wish I had a DVR to fast forward thru it.


Exactly what SUBS said, it is about what is possible in FSX and it's exciting for the future of flight simming. Interesting that you take enthusiasm about a shared passion as bragging, so I'll just take that as my last impression of this forum. I sent a PM to virtuali to have my posts removed, since they violated the rules of this forum and I cannot report my own post to the moderator or delete my own posts. No need for that DVR sludge, virtuali will make it all better.


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« Reply #55 on: June 02, 2010, 10:00:09 pm »
Now that that is over, hey Sludge, I'm pretty excited for the next release. I was curious if we will ever be able to get the flaps to go down to their full position. Sorry for all the requests, but this thing is really starting to come together nicely.  ;D


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    • SludgeHornet.NET
« Reply #56 on: June 02, 2010, 10:10:06 pm »

Take whatever impression you want from the board.  In the end, of all your posts, there was very little mention of what could be done to improve the FSX Hornet, specifically.  As the board is named "Unofficial F/A-18 Acceleration Pack board", hoped you'd keep your posts to just that, not "VRS this", "Tac Pack" that... VRS has their board for that.  At least SUBS keeps his posts in the context of what could be done to improve the FSX Hornet as well.

In addition I'd like to remind everyone that the Acceleration Hornet is a F/A-18A and the VRS is a E, so I account for the lack of weapons in Accel's Hornet as a tribute to the real A's inability to carry weapons without a retrofit with C components (much like Finland and Spain did). Both planes are amazing, but the VRS is really in a class of its own even when you subtract all combat ability from it.

Don't forget that even without ALL the weapons and weapon related sim stuff like the Countermeasures Dispensing System and the Electronic Warfare Self-Protection Suite the VRS is still an amazing aircraft purely from the flight dynamics, and avionics simulation perspective.

F/A-18s of early versions had a problem with insufficient rate of roll, exacerbated by the insufficient wing stiffness, especially with the heavy underwing ordnance loads.  The first production F/A-18A flew on 12 April 1980.

If you dont consider the first two quotes bragging, then we definately disagree on definitions.  A duck is a duck in my book.  Also, you are incorrect, the F/A-18A can carry weapons in real life.  No need for extra drama from myself or Virtuali (he can speak for himself), and obviously, since he hasnt deleted your post this hasnt bothered him.  But, if you want, you can delete your own posts.  Simply log-in, and when you are browsing thru the threads, you can delete your own posts by clicking on "delete".  You dont have to, but thats your choice.



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    • SludgeHornet.NET
« Reply #57 on: June 02, 2010, 10:12:55 pm »

Yes, thats another thing "on the list".  Others have asked me that, because they also noticed that the full flaps position is about 5-10 degrees higher on the exterior model than it is in real life.

Once we have a fully workable pre-compiled exterior model with all the animations done, Ill try to get that fix done too.



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« Reply #58 on: June 02, 2010, 11:13:36 pm »

Take whatever impression you want from the board.  In the end, of all your posts, there was very little mention of what could be done to improve the FSX Hornet, specifically.  As the board is named "Unofficial F/A-18 Acceleration Pack board", hoped you'd keep your posts to just that, not "VRS this", "Tac Pack" that... VRS has their board for that.  At least SUBS keeps his posts in the context of what could be done to improve the FSX Hornet as well.

In addition I'd like to remind everyone that the Acceleration Hornet is a F/A-18A and the VRS is a E, so I account for the lack of weapons in Accel's Hornet as a tribute to the real A's inability to carry weapons without a retrofit with C components (much like Finland and Spain did). Both planes are amazing, but the VRS is really in a class of its own even when you subtract all combat ability from it.

Don't forget that even without ALL the weapons and weapon related sim stuff like the Countermeasures Dispensing System and the Electronic Warfare Self-Protection Suite the VRS is still an amazing aircraft purely from the flight dynamics, and avionics simulation perspective.

F/A-18s of early versions had a problem with insufficient rate of roll, exacerbated by the insufficient wing stiffness, especially with the heavy underwing ordnance loads.  The first production F/A-18A flew on 12 April 1980.

If you dont consider the first two quotes bragging, then we definately disagree on definitions.  A duck is a duck in my book.  Also, you are incorrect, the F/A-18A can carry weapons in real life.  No need for extra drama from myself or Virtuali (he can speak for himself), and obviously, since he hasnt deleted your post this hasnt bothered him.  But, if you want, you can delete your own posts.  Simply log-in, and when you are browsing thru the threads, you can delete your own posts by clicking on "delete".  You dont have to, but thats your choice.


Yes, I already said I violated the rules, it is unnecessary for you to repeat my own admitted violation unless you're just unable to move on. I was indeed incorrect about the A/B and weapons ability, thinking of the F-18L instead. I also never mentioned the Tac Pack knowing full well that it wouldn't be appropriate, so don't attribute that to me. That's kinda why I never even brought up VRS weapons at all, just wanted to talk avionics and was hoping to steer the conversation towards a more accurate avionics sim for the Accel hornet but unfortunately you immediately got defensive and YOU mentioned the weapons/radar/other features first. *shrugs*

Lastly, praise and bragging are different words. So apparently we do disagree on definitions. Bragging would mean I had something to do with the development and wanted to flaunt it. Or that I wanted to flaunt some sort of advantage over everybody else here and that's just comical. As I stated in my previous posts, I used to use the Accel Hornet and loved it, and loved your mods too, I just went too far apparently in praising the VRS hornet in a non-VRS forum. If you read the quote you copied last you would clearly see that the same level of praise was given to your plane as well, but that's conveniently ignored when you obviously took something personally. The only thing I can think of that can be taken as 'bragging' is that I'm able to actually run the VRS alongside FSDT airports, but that's not my fault, it's the result of my hard work and how I choose to spend my money. I jokingly half-wondered if screenshots with settings on high are bragging to you, but that's purely in jest.

I also wasn't speaking for virtuali, I was stating fact: I PM'd him requesting a removal of my posts and I expected him to do it. Snide remarks about 'bad commercial during the superbowl' will be met with snide remarks about the moderator making all the hurt go away.

In summary: I made a mistake even mentioning the VRS, admitted it twice, am moving on, and I hope you do the same. FSDT rocks and I am not going anywhere, so I'll see you around the skies.



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« Reply #59 on: June 03, 2010, 02:46:27 am »
Guys chill, there is no harm I believe in mentioning the VRS Superhornet here is because it is just as often that the Accl Hornet is mentioned in the VRS Forum. There are plenty of comments here on the VRS SH on other posts its not a big deal. Regarding the Tac pack sure some people only like to fly from point A to point B and not shoot anything no problem if they do not wish to have those features or for a dev not to implement them as I assure you at some point we will see a combat sim with a hornet if not in FSX then more likely 7G, DCS or FighterOps.