Great idea, as well as all the other stuff youve been up to. When I get home from work, Ill send my LSOGradeBook.xml to you that I used in multiplayer. Its a scaled down version of the paperwork you have, for use in grading passes.
Also, using the TopGunSim missions, does your carrier move at more than 10 kts? Last night, I tried to get that daggone thing working correctly only to fall into a few pits and havent figured out why I cant decompile, mod, then recompile the mission so that the carrier moves at more than 10 kts. Granted, if those fellas were still around, Id ask them, but they arent so we are stuck with modding it ourselves, if need be. Ideally, it should be around 20-25 kts, even says so in the briefing.html file according to Snort's guidelines, but in my TGS mission it only moves at 10 and I have to increase the WoD to around 20-25 to get an acceptable landing WoD for 4.0 Meatball.
Anyway, again, great job and I did some voice mods of my own as well. Great minds think alike. I dont mind the grades, but agree that it would be good if someone figured out how to present those in LSO shorthand in one brief picture.