Author Topic: A strange Issue: Throttle, Instruments and Gauges active but plane does NOT Move  (Read 976 times)


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Hi all,

I hope you may be able to assist. This has happened 5 times in the last week ...

- Set up the flight at gate, input all data and complete all checklists (this has happened on both PMDG B738 and Kuro B788);
- Complete, Catering and Boarding operations using GSX Pro;
- Initiate the Pushback procedure, start engines and go through the motions until aircraft is on taxiway, ready to intiate taxi.

Aircraft is set up, Engines running, all systems normal.

Now, I release ParkBrake, spool up the engines and .... nothing! No movement forward. The throttles are active and moving, the engines spool up, N1 gauges increase to 25...30....40...50%, the Groundspeed indicator begins to increase .... yet the plane does not move. I apply brakes and the GS decreases again to 0, cycle the park brake, try again .... nothing. I apply reverse thrust, reversers activate .... but aircraft just sits there. The aircraft simply does not move from the spot. It is as though the aircraft is "disconnected" from the surrounding graphics engine. I am unable to taxi although ALL systems (flaps, spoilers, control surfaces and throttles) work and instruments/gauges are responding appropriately.

Active Pause in isolation is not the issue, FSUIPC does not seem to affect it (I have closed and reopened it on multiple occasions). On the first four occasions, I have had to return to MSFS MENU and restart the flight.

On the most recent occasion (last night):

- I restarted FSUIPC - no effect;
- restarted COUATL - no effect;
- recycled Active Pause (even though the button was not showing as active) - the aircraft lurched forward and I was then able to throttle up and taxi / take-off as normal

I have NEVER used Active Pause so I am at a loss as how this could impact on my sim without activation, unless there is some interaction with Active Pause during gate operations/Push-back. I also do not know how my gauges and instruments would show forward acceleration and speed with Active Pause on.

This has got me stumped. I am hoping someone has encountered this and can shed some light.

Thanks in advance!

Paulo Respicio
« Last Edit: December 13, 2023, 01:14:20 am by Respicio »
Paulo Respicio

Flying since 1976, dreaming since forever ...
MSFS Premium Deluxe on Windows 11


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These two sentences:

- Initiate the Pushback procedure, start engines and go through the motions until aircraft is on taxiway, ready to intiate taxi.

This indicates what you are looking at doesn't have anything to do with GSX, since after the tug has went away and you are taxiing, GSX is no longer doing anything.

- restarted COUATL - no effect;

This further confirms that because, when you restart Couatl, it will always unfreeze the airplane completely, to prevent the case that, if the Couatl engine crashed in the middle of a pushback when the airplane was frozen, it will always release it on restart.

As a rule, if something wrong happens and it doesn't go away if you restart the Coualt engine, you can be sure it's not related to GSX.

A possible way this MIGHT have happened, is that Simconnect might have stopped accepting commands from GSX, because you exceeded the maximum number of Simobjects in the simulator, which causes Simconnect calls to be ignored (even extreme congestion due to too many add-ons calling into at at the same time can cause this), so even the "unfreeze" safety commands GSX always send on restart were ignored, so toggling the Active Pause helped, because that menu doesn't pass through Simconnect like a 3rd party app.


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Thank you, Umberto, for your insight into my issue.

I will monitor to see if/when this reoccurs and reorder the steps if required to see if there is any change in behaviour.

At least I now have a "workaround"  :)
Paulo Respicio

Flying since 1976, dreaming since forever ...
MSFS Premium Deluxe on Windows 11