I installed the update that shold have solved the shaking problem after the Raise yesterday Dec. 14th. So today I cheked the box for the Raise and guess what? The problem is NOT solved.
The current release notes don't say anything about the shaking problem, this is the only thing changed in the Pushback in FSX/P3D:
GSX (FSX/P3D) Fix: Airplane stuck with simulation Disabled at the end of a Pushback when using a Towbarless tug with the “Pushback Raise” option enabled in the airplane profile.
Yes, I know I said the shaking would also be fixed but I meant in general: BEFORE the update, the pushback was jumping up/down slightly with EVERY tow truck and even with the "Pushback Raise" option Disabled. Now it's always fixed UNLESS you enable the Raise option.
GSX never had any Raise option for years, we added it only recently and, while it works reasonably well with many aircraft, in P3D, I can't completely fix it with the PMDG, which does a lot of custom ground handling on its own so, with the PMDG, it's best to just Disable the Pushback Raise, which is how GSX always worked in years.
IN MSFS we don't have any issues like that with the PMDG, I guess the airplane does ground handling differently (I guess, since there's a fully sloped terrain everywhere there), but in P3D it would be best to not use Raise on the PMDG.