Products Support > Zurich V2 for MSFS

Can't install Zurich for MSFS



Not sure if this has been addressed before, but in my Universal Installer, Zurich is hidden or at least the way the products show up, the install and activate buttons for Zurich are hidden. Please, anyone can help me install and activate Zurich? Any help would be appreciated. I am attaching screenshots as well for better understanding. The first image shows Zurich but the buttons are not visible. The second image is the second page of products in the installer where Zurich is missing.

It seems the problem is caused by your mouse wheel being set to scroll to many lines at once, so when you scroll on the next page, it goes past Zurich for MSFS, which is the 6th product, before Basel and the Swiss mesh.

If you can reduce the amount of lines scrolled, it should be easier to select it.

Got it working Thank you so much!


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