Author Topic: De-icing on remote stands  (Read 1752 times)


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De-icing on remote stands
« on: November 16, 2023, 08:56:02 am »
Hello guys :) As winter is slowly creeping-in in Europe, I wanted to start using this year's remote de-icing features added in GSX Pro. However, after reading the manual I think I will still not be able to use this.

At some airports (like EPWA, which I use the most), we don't have dedicated de-icing pads. Instead, some stands on remote aprons (which normally can be used as parking stands) can be used for de-icing. Am I correctly thinking, that with current GSX implementation I am not able to de-ice the aircraft at this stand (if it's defined as normal parking stand) with engines running? So regardless if I define those de-icing spots or simply want to use de-icing anywhere option, it won't be available as soon as I enter those stands? Of course, unless I specifically disable parking stands for those locations?



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Re: De-icing on remote stands
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2023, 11:34:21 am »
That's correct, if you are on a parking spot that is also used as a regular parking, Deicing there can only be done in the standard way: as part of the Departure procedure.

However, there's a way to make it work without completely disabling the parking spots (which you can't really do in GSX, it would require editing the scenery .BGL), and it's to use the "Distance Threshold" parameter in parking customization page, together with a custom position of the parking itself, so you can lead GSX to assume you are "outside" that parking spot even we you aren't.


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Re: De-icing on remote stands
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2023, 04:11:38 pm »
Thanks Umberto for your answer.

Will that trick help me use de-icing on those (outside of normal departure operations) while still allowing me to use those as normal stands? Or is that going to practically disable me from using those as stands?


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Re: De-icing on remote stands
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2023, 04:46:39 pm »
Will that trick help me use de-icing on those (outside of normal departure operations) while still allowing me to use those as normal stands? Or is that going to practically disable me from using those as stands?

I think it might be possible to find a way to set the parking center and the threshold in a way you can still use it in both ways, just keep in mind that:

- The check to decide if you are "inside" or "outside" a parking spot, it's made by comparing the parking position (editable) and the threshold (editable), against your airplane center of mass, which is somewhere in the middle, not the front gear.

- The location where GSX will want you to stop is the Stop position instead, which is also customizable.


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Re: De-icing on remote stands
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2023, 05:39:44 pm »
Thanks for the tips! I will certainly try fiddling with the options you mentioned.

Just for the future though - maybe changing this behavior in one of the future updates would be worth a consideration? I mean, simply allowing the user to trigger de-icing regardless if user is in the stand or not? For example - if I enter the stand I would see de-icing as a separate option, along all the other procedures available at the stand/gate. If you're worried triggering it during any of those procedures would mess up the logic, then maybe just hide the option if any procedure is in progress or something? Certainly, there is a logic that could make this happen :)


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Re: De-icing on remote stands
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2023, 06:10:05 pm »
if I enter the stand I would see de-icing as a separate option, along all the other procedures available at the stand/gate.

The menu is not the problem, the problem are the engines. GSX doesn't allow any services on a gate with engines off. Changing this would require a massive change in the way it works.