Author Topic: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering  (Read 20774 times)


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GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« on: October 29, 2023, 06:10:52 pm »
So I just ran into an issue where all GSX vehicles are creating this stuttering effect. The sim and the plane itself is running smooth with no stutters or low fps, but it's the actual GSX vehicles and tow truck that are stuttering. Also, when inside the cockpit view, the stutters are also visible. when I remove GSX and use the default pushback system or Better Pushback mod, everything is silky smooth.

All GSX settings are at default. It was working properly a few days ago before some of the recent updates so I don't know if one of the updates broke something.
Anybody have any ideas or having same issue?

RTX 4090
32 GB DDR5



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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2023, 10:18:25 am »
We already discussed this on the GSX Creators channel on Discord and, the animation stuttering doesn't seem to be caused by the GSX update, it might just have happened coincidentally with some other update, possibly a Windows or a video drivers update.
To test this theory, we HAVE posted TWO new OFFLINE installers to test:

Version 2.7.6 from last September:

A BETA version derived from the latest 2.8.2, with some optimizations to reduce the number of Simconnect calls:

The 2.7.6 version will downgrade the complete GSX code, including the sound that was the most important change and, as of today, everybody that tested it hasn't noticed any difference, indicating the stuttering hasn't been caused by the latest GSX Update.

The new BETA includes a bit of optimizations to reduce the number of simconnect calls in some animations (baggage loaders, mostly) and also in this case users who tested it didn't report any difference, indicating the problem is not too many simconnect calls made by GSX, so it really points out to something completely external to it, like a Windows update or a driver update.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2023, 02:25:15 pm »
We already discussed this on the GSX Creators channel on Discord and, the animation stuttering doesn't seem to be caused by the GSX update, it might just have happened coincidentally with some other update, possibly a Windows or a video drivers update.
To test this theory, we HAVE posted TWO new OFFLINE installers to test:

Version 2.7.6 from last September:

A BETA version derived from the latest 2.8.2, with some optimizations to reduce the number of Simconnect calls:

The 2.7.6 version will downgrade the complete GSX code, including the sound that was the most important change and, as of today, everybody that tested it hasn't noticed any difference, indicating the stuttering hasn't been caused by the latest GSX Update.

The new BETA includes a bit of optimizations to reduce the number of simconnect calls in some animations (baggage loaders, mostly) and also in this case users who tested it didn't report any difference, indicating the problem is not too many simconnect calls made by GSX, so it really points out to something completely external to it, like a Windows update or a driver update.

Thanks for the reply. Ok, I do remember updating my GPU drivers on the same day I updated GSX. I was on vacation for two weeks so it had been a while since I had last used the sim.

I will revert back my GPU driver and report back later today.

Thanks again!


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2023, 02:04:10 am »
Well, I was waiting for the newest update to come out and this if anything changed, but i still got the animation stuttering. I have downgraded GPU drivers, but still problem occurs. It was working perfectly fine until I updated to 2.8.2. Ohh well, I'm fine not using GSX for now. Sim seems to run a lot smoother without it anyways!


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2023, 08:55:18 am »
Are you on SU14 Beta? In general, both GSX and the Sim are very stuttery with SU14B and the recent updates. Hope this gets resolved!


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2023, 10:31:03 am »
It was working perfectly fine until I updated to 2.8.2.

Please stop saying the 2.8.2 update caused this, nothing in it could possibly have any effect on animation, since the only important change was the sound. And of course, each and every user who tried the 2.7.6 version I posted in the message you quote, confirmed it didn't make ANY difference so no, it wasn't the update.

Ohh well, I'm fine not using GSX for now. Sim seems to run a lot smoother without it anyways!

If you are saying the fps is lower when GSX is doing something like boarding/deboarding which involves lots of object, that's obvious. If you are saying the sim is smoother because GSX is not installed, I'm sorry, but that's just impossible, since if you are not calling GSX, is not really doing anything, other than wait for you to open its menu.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2023, 11:33:45 pm »
So let me get this straight. Before updating to 2.8.2 GSX, was working fine with no stutters of these pushback towtrucks/catering/fuel truck. But as soon as I updated to then latest 2.8.2, without having changed anything else other than updating my GPU drivers, I get these stutters, and you say it’s not GSX causing?? Smh, you can’t make this up. Thanks!
« Last Edit: November 10, 2023, 12:36:50 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2023, 11:34:18 pm »
Are you on SU14 Beta? In general, both GSX and the Sim are very stuttery with SU14B and the recent updates. Hope this gets resolved!

Nope. Su13


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2023, 11:28:37 pm »
Yeap, I get stutters all over the place with GSX now unfortunately, I had to stop using it, it's unplayable this way. It wasn't before, so yes it's upon a certain update that this started because definitely some updates ago, vehicles did not stutter. Now as you pushback with towbar and non towbar trucks, your aircraft stutters because of GSX vehicles stutter. As you say, with other pushback addon's all is smooth.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2023, 12:37:16 pm »
So let me get this straight. Before updating to 2.8.2 GSX, was working fine with no stutters of these pushback towtrucks/catering/fuel truck. But as soon as I updated to then latest 2.8.2, without having changed anything else other than updating my GPU drivers, I get these stutters, and you say it’s not GSX causing?? Smh, you can’t make this up. Thanks!

As I've said, each and every user who tried the 2.7.6 version I posted in the message you quote, confirmed it didn't make ANY difference so no, it wasn't the update. YOU can try the 2.7.6 as well, so you can convince yourself it wasn't the update.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2023, 12:50:00 pm »
It wasn't before, so yes it's upon a certain update that this started because definitely some updates ago, vehicles did not stutter.

ycristia is certain it started exactly with 2.8.2, you are saying for you it started some updates ago. This should be ample evidence it can't possibly be GSX but, something else that changed in the sim or the PC configuration that, for you happened before than him.

The thing is, GSX updates are so frequent, that's very easy to say a "GSX update caused this", just because that with so many updates, there's a very high chance they would happen coincidentally to something else that changed in the meantime.

Otherwise, each and every user reporting stuttering, would all said it happened after the SAME GSX update, which is not what is happening.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2023, 06:31:43 pm »
I have tried everything and even reinstalled windows and msfs. I doubt this is something on our systems as every report i’ve seen, it is mentioned that it started after the 2.8.2 update.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2023, 02:03:14 am »
I have tried everything and even reinstalled windows and msfs. I doubt this is something on our systems as every report i’ve seen, it is mentioned that it started after the 2.8.2 update.

Well then, good thing I saw your post. I was considering reinstalling windows and MSFS but this pretty much confirms it. Let's see if they can figure it out then.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2023, 12:46:25 pm »
I hope this can get fixed in any way. It's a bit immersion breaking.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2023, 01:17:37 pm »
I hope this can get fixed in any way. It's a bit immersion breaking.

It's difficult to fix something that can't be replicated, this is what I see here:

Do you see something different ?
« Last Edit: November 17, 2023, 01:19:33 pm by virtuali »