Author Topic: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering  (Read 20762 times)


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #90 on: December 30, 2023, 12:16:54 am »
In conclusion, we still have heavy (for me) stutters in all vehicles which weren't present back in mid year.

Well, I guess if Simconnect would improve in a future sim update, not necessarily thanks to actual improvement in the sim but due to a Windows update or a video driver update, it will likely go back as it was (I'm speaking in theory here, because I don't see much difference, it looks smooth enough for me).

Otherwise, how do you explain that nobody who has tried the version from September I posted earlier reported ANY difference (for better or worse)? Not that I wasn't sure of: I KNOW there aren't any differences in the way we drive vehicles and animations, the one and only thing I had a small doubt was the change in the sound engine, and sound is a thing that could potentially cause issues, so not only I posted a version from September after seeing all those comments that "It was fine in September", but also because it was BEFORE switching to the updated sound engine that supports multiple audio channels.

Now, for those not on the GSX Discord channel, I asked a user to make some tests, using different settings of fps locked or not, either in the sim or via nVidia CP. This was to confirm my theory that, being a Simconnect issue, the more strain you put on Simconnect by increasing your fps, the worse it gets.

The user tried it and, guess what, he confirmed my hypothesis (again, not that I wasn't sure of that, but users want to try for themselves before really trusting me, so I give all the instruments they need...), because he saw marked differences between unlocking the fps, locking at 60 and locking it 30, here's his post, you can follow it on Discord if you joined the GSX creators channel:

So I made some testings:

As I'm running with GSYNC, the 3d application's VSYNC is deactivated also meaning that the options in the sim in regards of refresh rate have no effect.

So firstly I pinned the frames to 50 FPS via the NVIDIA Control Panel. The according video can be found here:

Result: slight visible difference compared to unlocked framrate, the animations tend to stutter a bit less

Then I pinned the frames to 30 FPS via the NVIDIA Control Panel. The according video can be found here:

Result: Clear visible difference, the animations are free of any stutters

I deactivated the forced VSYNC in the NVIDIA Control Panel to give the MSFS VSYNC functionality again. In the next video I switched from 100% monitor refresrate (100FPS which are not reached in the SIM) to 50% and 33% which resulted in roughly 50 FPS and 33 FPS. The video can be found here:

Result: Again the 33 FPS give the best result in smoothness of the GSX animations. The 47FPS via MSFS are comparable with the 50 FPS forced by the NCP - worst is 100% framerate.

The explanation you gave seems to point in the right direction.
What bothers me though:
- Why are not all animations affected at 60 FPS? The animation of the luggage and the loaders walking between the aircraft and the luggage carts are smooth completely independent from the frame rate. 
- Why is this happening out of the blue? I've been running on 60 FPS max. since GSX was released for MSFS and haven't had those stutters?

Something must have changed in Sim Connect then I guess. Any chance to find out what has changed and if there might be a workaround? As I heared Asobo themselves are sadly not really having an open ear for issues they create for 3rd Party devs with changes - is that right?

Now the user realized than yes, there IS some truth to what I'm trying to explain, that something must have changed either in the sim itself, or something else has *affected it*, I posted my reply, trying to give extra background, so it would be clear why it won't be easy to improve this from our side, due to the way Simconnect works:


Your tests confirm what I was always sure of: increasing the fps would increase Simconnect traffic, not just GSX, but every other Simconnect application you might be running which is subscribed to the Visual Frame.  "Subscribed", means Simconnect is calling back your code at some given frequency so, even if (hypothetically) your code doesn't do anything when called, the sim would *still** have to work more to call all subscribed apps, at each frame. Unfortunately, it's not as if we could decide the calling frequency freely: we only have 4sec, 1sec, 1/6th sec OR Visual Frame, whatever that is. Clearly, 6 fps wouldn't be acceptable for animation, so we are forced to use Visual Frame. 

It would be so much better if we could just say "call me back 30 times per second, tops", which would play nicely with the fact most of our animations were tuned to 30 fps, but there isn't such thing and, to make things worse, even if you have the frame rate locked, the real frequency your code gets called back it's jittering *itself* (we obviously measured this), so the real time interval between each call is NOT 33.33 m/sec, even if the frame rate it locked 30, but sometimes it's 31, the next frame it might be 37, etc. That's why we have extra code to COMPENSATE for that, so the animation would at least play always with the same speed, but sometimes Simconnect just "skips a beat" (I think to reduce traffic), so it just don't call you for a frame, without telling you (so our compensating code can't detect it), which turns into a "stutter"

Have a look at this thread about some developers trying to figure this out, and they have far bigger problems than we do, because this jittering is interfering with their INS calculations:

In FSX they used a workaround because they hacked into the sim and found an undocumented function to tie to the actual sim frame without relying on Simconnect, but this doesn't work anymore.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2023, 12:18:36 am by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #91 on: January 16, 2024, 12:39:53 pm »
Been away for a while and could not make any further testing, but now I can definitely confirm that the problem occurs ONLY when there is an airport profile in the GSX/MFSF/ folder. With the empty folder everything is silky smooth. I have no idea why this happen, but I can only say that until a few months ago, my profiles folder was full of custom profiles and I had no issues.



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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #92 on: January 16, 2024, 07:11:18 pm »
I can definitely confirm it still stutters very much with profile folder totally emptied.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #93 on: January 17, 2024, 02:51:23 am »

Same here: I confirm this has nothing to do with GSX profiles installed or not.
My GSX test scenario (unless otherwise stated):
Sandbox environment
GSX v 2.9.1 (as of 20 Jan 2023)
Fenix A320, PMDG 737-800, ATR-72
EDDL (JustSim), EDDK (Aerosoft), both not Marketplace
GSX jetways disabled
no AI traffic
no antivirus or firewall software running
all apps started in admin mode


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #94 on: January 17, 2024, 06:19:55 pm »

Same here: I confirm this has nothing to do with GSX profiles installed or not.

Yeah like I stated before, I even did a complete new windows reinstall and ran the sim completely vanilla other than just having GSX, Fenix A320, and PMDG 737 in the community folder and still the stutters are there.

Haven’t been using GSX for months now so really don’t care anymore. This clearly is an issue with GSX. I even found old reports of people having the same issue on P3D so I’m done with it.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #95 on: January 18, 2024, 10:14:08 am »
Haven’t been using GSX for months now so really don’t care anymore. This clearly is an issue with GSX. I even found old reports of people having the same issue on P3D so I’m done with it.

Fact is not affected by GSX profile, in addition to the fact we offered several older versions to try and didn't change anything clearly proves the issue is NOT GSX, but it must be something in SU14 that makes the sim less smooth in calling Simconnect apps.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #96 on: January 18, 2024, 03:25:35 pm »
I noticed this issue after updating GSX to 2.8.2 which was before SU14, so it can’t be SU14 which causes these stutters.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2024, 07:04:22 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #97 on: January 23, 2024, 07:06:03 pm »
I noticed this issue after updating GSX to 2.8.2 which was before SU14, so it can’t be SU14 which causes these stutters.

And the reason why we posted a much older version to try here:,30676.msg196833.html#msg196833

Was precisely to prove users that are sure it was caused by some GSX update, that it's not. At least, nobody that ever tried 2.7.6 has reported any change, for better or worse.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #98 on: February 04, 2024, 10:49:27 am »
I tried really everything to solve or mitigate the issue.
UNfortunatly nothing to do.
I am so sorry but i had to deinstall and no more use GSX. at least for now.....pity..........i loved it!


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #99 on: February 04, 2024, 12:19:32 pm »
I tried really everything to solve or mitigate the issue. Unfortunately nothing to do.

It's not clear what you mean by "everything". If you mean the more common suggestions like locking the max fps, it's impossible you won't see ANY benefit. You should at least see some difference but, I am starting to think we are not referring to the same thing and we can't even agree to what "stutters" means.

It would have been helpful to at least know what you are seeing (I guess it must be something HUGE to cause you something as drastic as "Uninstalling GSX"), if you posted a video of it.

It's very well known that SU14 is less smooth than previous versions, and Microsoft acknowledged that as well and even promised some fixes for SU15. Clearly, if the sim is not smooth to begin with, you can't expect GSX won't be affected by that because, as explained so many times, it's not as if we "skip frames" or "miss updates": the whole GSX timing is driven by MSFS itself.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #100 on: February 08, 2024, 04:58:46 pm »
Same problem here but only with gsx .
Normal in game  trucks and cars in every airport scenery are smooth, no stutters.
Regards ,


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #101 on: February 09, 2024, 10:03:59 pm »
Normal in game  trucks and cars in every airport scenery are smooth, no stutters.

These vehicles are NOT driven by Simconnect, they use a different system which is internal in the sim and apps can't really use, since they can only communicate through Simconnect (that is, unless you are ok with them doing exactly the same things as default vehicles), GSX vehicles are driven by Simconnect Visual Frame so, if THAT is skipping a beat (that is MSFS doesn't call GSX regularly enough), you will see them stuttering, with just nothing for us to do, other than hoping an update would fix this problem.

Which again, even in the current version, I think it's hardly noticeable so, I start to think (lacking any examples, like videos) we are not really seeing the same thing or, perhaps, because your sim is way more taxed by too many addons calling into Simconnect at the same time, what for me is a micro stutter hardly noticeable, become bigger in some cases.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #102 on: February 23, 2024, 05:26:29 pm »
By any chance has anybody found a culprit or fix to this issue?


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #103 on: February 24, 2024, 11:43:23 pm »

I was able to find a solution on my end.

Ok, I did the following three which I really don't know which one fixed it and I do not dare to change anything to see which one was the culprit for fear of changing it and then not being able to get it working again but here are the things I changed.

1. Disabled Hyperthreading in BIOS. For me this is called SMT(Simultaneous Multi-Threading) since I am on an AMD chip. For intel it is called hyperthreading.
2. Enabled/Forced Resizable BAR with Nvidia Inspector for MSFS.
3. Removed all key binds I had in MSFS settings for my controls and used Spadnext instead.

Can somebody having these GSX stutters test and confirm if changing the above helps you too? Hope it does.

Hopefully this is helpful for the devs as well.


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Re: GSX Vehicles Animation Stuttering
« Reply #104 on: February 27, 2024, 03:34:21 pm »
I hope this can get fixed in any way. It's a bit immersion breaking.

Hi, I might have figured out what was causing the issue. It seems that GSX does not play nice with Hyperthreading. At least for me it doesn’t. Can you try disabling hyperthreading or SMT if you are on AMD chip and see if that stops the stuttering for you as well?