Author Topic: New Simbrief Refueling Integration with PMDG 737  (Read 1929 times)


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New Simbrief Refueling Integration with PMDG 737
« on: October 16, 2023, 11:59:18 pm »
Thanks so much for this update.  Love the automatic payload feature.

One thing I'm noticing now.  When the fuel truck arrives it adds the correct amount of fuel, but it adds the needed amount instantly.  I have "Always refuel Progressively" checked in settings, but it's still instant.  Am I doing something wrong?

Before this update with the Progressive refueling I just used the airplane services in the CDU to start the fueling once GSX said fuel truck was in position and it worked great.  With this new integration feature, how am I supposed to refuel progressively now?

Thank you for any and all help.  :)


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Re: New Simbrief Refueling Integration with PMDG 737
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2023, 11:28:02 am »
One thing I'm noticing now.  When the fuel truck arrives it adds the correct amount of fuel, but it adds the needed amount instantly.  I have "Always refuel Progressively" checked in settings, but it's still instant.  Am I doing something wrong?

Since GSX came out, the "Always refuel Progressively" never acts on the airplane, it only controls what the GSX Fuel truck will do because:

- On airplanes that CAN be refueled by GSX ("Show fuel and Cargo" option Enabled in their profile), the refueling is always progressive, because it's done by GSX so, that option doesn't matter.

- On airplanes that CAN'T be refueled by GSX ("Show fuel and Cargo" option Disabled in their profile), like the PMDG, the refueling is of the *airplane* is always instant, but the GSX Fuel Truck will act AS IF it was progressive IF the "Always refuel Progressively" is Enabled.

Before this update with the Progressive refueling, I just used the airplane services in the CDU to start the fueling once GSX said fuel truck was in position and it worked great.  With this new integration feature, how am I supposed to refuel progressively now?

If you mean you used the PMDG Fuel Truck from the PMDG Ground services menu to set a Fuel quantity, that would have been progressive in fact but, it will also result in calling the PMDG Fuel Truck in addition to the GSX one, so they'll clash into each other.

Since we need to prevent that, we don't use the PMDG Ground Services menu, but the Fuel page, so refueling would be instant from the airplane point of view, but progressive from the GSX point of view.

Compared to the previous version:

- You don't have to ensure you had a quantity lower than the one requested (resulting in the GSX truck going away if you didn't), because if your current fuel quantity on board is higher than the planned quantity, GSX will temporarily set the level to 5% while the Truck is coming.

- You don't have to type the quantity manually.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2023, 11:33:02 am by virtuali »


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Re: New Simbrief Refueling Integration with PMDG 737
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2023, 05:43:52 pm »
Great feature!

Thank you Umberto.
The drinking rum on the beach kind. Not the software stealing kind.