Products Support > Charlotte KCLT Support FSX/P3D

Invisible Walls???

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I have never had any problems with KCLT until now.  All of the sudden I am running into invisible walls on several taxi ways.  I have a video that I can send if needed (this forum will not take the big file).  I also had this problem with KMEM, I turned OFF the Terrain_base.BGL file that fixed the same problem with KMEM, however this procedure will not fix KCLT.  Please provide any assistance.

My FS stats:

P3D 4.5
Updated computer and Scenery
Updated FSDT
tried to uninstall and reinstall

Jeremy Schwartz

UPDATE...  I uninstalled KCLT, cleaned up all associated files, reinstalled WITHOUT updating the scenery using the addon manager, and it works PERFECTLY except GSX will not work. I then updated everything using the addon manager and it created the invisible walls.  I believe it is something with the latest update that is incorrect and creating the issues.

Jeremy Schwartz

I seem to have the same issue. P3D v5.4, installed KCLT and flew into it, worked perfectly but no GSX. Then ran FSDT installer, GSX started working but I noticed the invisible walls on my next flight out of KCLT. I used the TFDI 717 both times. Have not had this issue on other sceneries.

Please provide the precise, exact, reproduction steps, like locations where this happens, because I can't see anything wrong but, of course, I only tried some gates at random.


--- Quote from: virtuali on November 06, 2023, 10:49:02 am ---Please provide the precise, exact, reproduction steps, like locations where this happens, because I can't see anything wrong but, of course, I only tried some gates at random.

--- End quote ---
Spawned at gate A12 and pushed back facing south. Taxied via F, R and C to runway 36R and took off. Encountered the "invisible wall" on F a bit south of concourse A, twice on taxiway C (around C5 and C3 iirc) and during the takeoff roll on 36R (also near C3).


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