Author Topic: GSX PRO 2.8.1. -> PMDG Refueling does not work anymore error message Couatl  (Read 1685 times)


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Hello all.
After update to GSX 2.8.1 the PMDG 737-700 and /600 fuel process does not work anymore. When asking Refuelling via GSX menu a verbal advice starts saying do not change fuel quantity until requested,  the truck arrives as normal, hoses are connected, red digital display on truck lids up with 00000, and then the error message and log is produced.
It worked before, I changed nothing in GSX settings nor in MSFS nor in PMDG setting. Aso did not update anything via PMDG updater ( running with latest PMDG versions anyhow since last update some time ago).

as said: A couatl error message come up and the attached log is produced.

I attach the couatl error log and do hope that somebody can help.
The GSX pro refuelling process continues to work fine with the stock MSFS 747-8 like before after the update to 2.8.1., but the PMDG not?

I hope for advice, tks.


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Fuel and Payload integration requires an active plan loaded on Simbrief to work. The program stopped because of an error, which happened because there a check to check if there is a Simbrief plan valid was missing, but it should be fixed now if you run the Live Update again.

Without an active flight plan on simbrief, refueling should work as before, manually.


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 52
tks for yr answer.
So just now I opened FSDT Universal Installer, found under GSX PRO 2.8.1. is installed and latest, so nothing to update, so I simply ran "Check".
After "Check"-run started the Sim and YES SIR, now it works. So thanks.
It works now with my PMDG 737 without Simbrief Plan and in both aircraft settings i.e. with  "Show MSFS "Fuel and Cargo" during refueling"checked and also with not checked.

Great opportunity here to again thank you for so many years of joy and fun with GSX and with your always in my case professional and prompt support.
