Author Topic: Catering Operator Different Than Boarding Operator  (Read 2762 times)

Captain Kevin

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Re: Catering Operator Different Than Boarding Operator
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2023, 11:43:12 am »
I mean, if you're using a third-party add-on in conjunction with GSX and that third-party add-on changed something, that's something you need to take up with them. That has nothing to do with GSX since the way GSX handles this hasn't changed. In fact, the handling and catering have been separate even before GSX Pro existed, as the previous GSX product for FSX and P3D did it the exact same way, which is what I was trying to tell you. So take it up with Fenix2GSX and see if they can figure something out.
Captain Kevin


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Re: Catering Operator Different Than Boarding Operator
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2023, 10:09:51 pm »
I did and nothing has changed on their side also! It's ok. My observations are my observations. I can't work around it. It's funny that it was working just fine before 2.7.7. I just hoped the program logic would improve ...


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Re: Catering Operator Different Than Boarding Operator
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2023, 11:56:55 am »
Umberto, no need to be defensive. People have suggestions, and if you don't agree with them, that's fine. We love the product and like to make it better. In real life, an airliner that has both ground operation and catering at an airport, will never use another operator unless it's an emergency situation. If you can program that in GSX would be great, if not, that's fine. It was a suggestion.

It's not obviously "defensive", it's you that keep not understanding what I wrote and keep saying we "changed" something. Yes, of course we have, we added new operators that, due to how the scoring system works, are now triggering a menu, when before there was no menu, because there was only one choice so, clearly, it would be useless showing a menu with only one choice, and this is how GSX always worked in years so no, the scoring works as expected in this case.

You said that "before", when you selected an operator, you "always" got the same operator for catering. Now, I don't know if Fenix2GSX was trying to do that intentionally (I don't think so) but as I've said, multiple times, it was JUST because due to the scoring (OR the airport profile) there was only a choice, which incidentally resulted in the catering operator being the same as the handler. But again, it has NEVER been a feature ever considered or enforced by GSX. I'll repeat it again, for the last time: handling and catering operators are completely isolated from each other, and this hasn't changed in years.

Now, finally, you are adding something new, that you would LIKE (as a suggestion) to have the handler "linked" to the airline you are flying, and that would also have some impact on the catering operator. This is something (again) GSX NEVER HAD, and it's something that we obviously consider doing, like some rule file that would act like a database of "contracts", that is which companies a certain airline has a business relationship with.

But this might not be as simple or intuitive as it seems because, it would add a 3rd layer of complexity to the assignment rules, and considering how difficult seems to be to explain how the current 2-layers system works (scoring, overridden by user customization), I can only guess how much people would be confused because, what if your airline has a preference for a certain operator, and the airport profile has specified others ?

User perception would be divided between these two camps: those saying "GSX is bugged because it doesn't recognize my airline preference" and those saying "GSX is bugged because it ignores the operators, I have in the parking spot"

So yes, obviously, the 3-tiers system is possible, and we **ARE** considering it, but it will add a lot of complexity to something that is difficult to understand with just two layers (if it wasn't, we wouldn't have this conversation).

But, just to prove not only we always obviously listen to every suggestion, but that we already know what might be added, it should work like this:

1) The current scoring system should keep working as it is, to select something when no better information is available.

2) The airport profile will override and ignore the basic scoring system so, whatever is specified there, it will be the only operators available.

3) A NEW 3rd layer of rules might introduce an "airline preference", meaning a set of rules that would link airlines to their preferred operators: IF your airline is detected (not a given, considering how many 3rd party airplanes comes with missing data in the aircraft.cfg), this NEW intermediate rule file, might do an automatic choice, provided the operators ARE available to begin with, under rules #1 or #2.


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Re: Catering Operator Different Than Boarding Operator
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2023, 02:18:53 am »
Yes, the third option would be very good and aligned with real life.

By the way, the second operator for Iranian Airports was added back in April (Saman Air -with version 2.5.3). So it's been there a while now and is not a recent addition. Somehow I never had the issue of getting a different catering operator than the ground crew operator using Fenix2GSX automation and that issue "for me" started after 2.7.7. So either I was very very lucky all this time or something changed. Both of you (GSX and Fenix2GSX) are saying nothing as far as the operator selection goes has changed which makes me feel like I have been very very lucky  ;D