Author Topic: Passenger bus when not wanted  (Read 1115 times)


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Passenger bus when not wanted
« on: October 09, 2023, 11:57:44 pm »
After the recent little hiccup with gsx not loading I thought everything was OK again. Until going to FXMM - I fly around Southern Africa a lot.
I have modified gate 7 including passenger walkways and have set buses to never. But it insists on using buses for departure and arrival.
How do I solve this?


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Re: Passenger bus when not wanted
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2023, 05:54:31 pm »
I have partially solved this. When loading into gate 7 from msfs main menu Gsx thinks I am at 6. So I set up walkways etc for the wrong gate.
Even is using gsx to warp to 7 I still end up at 6!
So I have setup walkways for 7 and 6 and 5 so whereever gsx thinks I am I don't get a bus!

No idea what the underlying problem is though



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Re: Passenger bus when not wanted
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2023, 11:29:37 am »
When loading into gate 7 from msfs main menu Gsx thinks I am at 6. So I set up walkways etc for the wrong gate.

GSX gets the airport data from the sim, which can be good or bad so, if the data is bad, you'll get bad results. And, if you made a profile when there was a problem, or downloaded a profile not made exactly for that scenery (the scenery might have changed or whoever made it made a mistake), the profile will confuse GSX because it's doing what the profile is doing.

So, before trying anything else:

- Remove all GSX profiles for that airport. Be sure you Restart Couatl after doing this.

- If you are getting the positioning error just by using the MSFS Main Menu, you already have a problem you need to fix first before starting to work with GSX customization.

- The problem might well be caused by GSX itself or, more precisely, forgetting to run through the GSX "Exclude 3rd party" routine after adding a new scenery that comes with jetways, which must be excluded from GSX, something that GSX does either automatically when you press that button or you run a GSX Update check, but since some sceneries won't be detected automatically (because the name of their package is not standard) you might have to add them to the exclusion list manually.

So, after you are sure you eliminated every conflict, and you still have positioning issues when using the MSFS Menu, then either the scenery really has a problem, or you still haven't found all reasons for a conflict. Basically, don't even start customizing GSX before you are 100% sure the scenery works correctly at all parking positions using the MSFS default menu.

After you verified the parking positions are correct in the MSFS menu, you can finally check GSX. If they are still "wrong" (and you are sure you are not using a profile) the most probable cause for this is the "Threshold" distance parameter in the GSX customization page, which you might have to adjust for parking spots close to each other, so they don't overlap too much, to the point where GSX might be confused you are parked in the adjacent parking spot. When editing a parking spot, the Threshold size can be evaluated visually by pressing the NumPad + 5 button, which will show it as a green circle.


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Re: Passenger bus when not wanted
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2023, 01:17:21 am »
Thanks! I suspect its the scenery being faulty but also parking spots too close  - thanks for that pointer.
