I've asked about this before and when I just did a quick search here for the word LOD, it returned 2 pages of threads. So clearly I'm not the only one annoyed by what we have today, lots of GSX objects disappearing or turning completely grey etc at a certain distance.
I know you've said Umberto how you only comply with the instructions for LOD in the MSFS SDK but given how this takes away quite a bit of immersion when using your product, is there any chance you could come up with some workaround or whatever? To allow GSX objects to be fully visible at a greater distance.
You're the developer and I'm not but I still can't wrap my head around how it's impossible to address this issue one way or the other. Back in the days when every byte was important, I understand why developers had to be very restrictive to save memory etc. Today though with everything we have in MSFS, surely that can't be the main reason anymore for being forced to use such an aggressive LOD system?
If we would be able to see the bags from a distance, see the pushback truck drive away without suddenly disappearing or loosing its details, see the passenger bus in all its glory instead of looking like a grey lump before it gets close enough, that would make GSX so much more entertaining and fun to use.
Again, I know this topic has been up many, many times already but please Umberto...try to think this one over one more time and if there's anything you could do to make the situation better.
We are a lot of people in here who would be more than grateful !!