Author Topic: GSX just flashes but doesn't load when using PMDG 737  (Read 2286 times)


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GSX just flashes but doesn't load when using PMDG 737
« on: November 25, 2023, 01:51:32 am »
Hope somebody can help.

Finished a flight today from KFLL to KATL in my PMDG 737.  Everything worked great at KFLL.  When I arrived in KATL I noticed all the gates said "Jetway Unavailable" in GSX.  I opened up the editor and noticed jetways had been turned off for all gates at KATL. Decided I'll worry about this later as I wanted to finish my turn around to KFLL.

I shutdown MSFS and logged back in only to find GSX would flash on screen for about a second but never open.  I restarted Couatl several times and even completely shut it down and manually restarted, but same outcome.  I then completely shutdown computer and rebooted everything.  Same issue.

I then reinstalled GSX Pro, first time with live updater (still just flashing), then tried again with offline updater (still just flashing).

Then decided to try a different aircraft.  GSX started right up.  I then when back to main menu, changed to PMDG 737, started flight again at same location, GSX just flashes but doesn't load.

I've tried different airports, different gates and different aircraft.  Let Couatl load with MSFS .exe and also tried manually.  Only way to make GSX work is to not use the PMDG 737.

I looked inside my virtuali folder but couldn't find a log file to share.

Any ideas, suggestions or is this a know issue?

Thanks for any help.


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Re: GSX just flashes but doesn't load when using PMDG 737
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2023, 11:42:21 am »
Finished a flight today from KFLL to KATL in my PMDG 737.  Everything worked great at KFLL.  When I arrived in KATL I noticed all the gates said "Jetway Unavailable" in GSX.  I opened up the editor and noticed jetways had been turned off for all gates at KATL. Decided I'll worry about this later as I wanted to finish my turn around to KFLL.

This clearly indicates the problem doesn't have anything to do with GSX, it was caused by the very well-known problem of Simconnect stop working when the number of objects in the sim (currently documented at 1000) has been reached. With a large airport like KATL, it's possible that AI and default ground vehicles might be enough to reach it.

It Simconnect stops working, the call GSX makes to the Navdata API to get a list of jetways (and other airport data) will fail, so GSX will assume there are no jetways at the airport.

Note that, it's not that Simconnect completely stops, but the Navdata part is, and fact it's a Simconnect problem is further confirmed by the fact is not solved by restarting Couatl, because the problem is happening in the simulator itself.

Now, if you said more precisely what do you mean with "KATL" (lacking any details, we can only assume it's the default scenery) but, just to be sure, if it's a 3rd party airport or a handcrafted airport, have you DISABLED GSX replacement Jetways there, something you are always supposed to do when adding a new airport after installing GSX ? (when you install GSX or update GSX, it will do it automatically, for the airports it can recognize automatically).

If you don't disable GSX replacement jetway files for non-default airports, you will introduce a scenery conflict that WILL cause every kind of issues with jetways.

Only way to make GSX work is to not use the PMDG 737.

I'm sorry but, there are no issues whatsoever using GSX with the PMDG 737, it's in fact the best supporter airplane.


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Re: GSX just flashes but doesn't load when using PMDG 737
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2023, 07:46:58 pm »
All my scenery is default Asobo.  I don't use any 3rd party scenery.

I'm sorry but, there are no issues whatsoever using GSX with the PMDG 737, it's in fact the best supporter airplane.

Well since you said this, I guess everything I experienced was just in my head.  I must be crazy.  Thank you so much for your expert tech support Umberto.  I guess all the Memes on Reddit about how you handle customers is inaccurate.


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Re: GSX just flashes but doesn't load when using PMDG 737
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2023, 02:26:07 pm »
Hi Umberto,

I have the same issue... for somehow a couple of days I am loading up the Sim normal. I create my flight and then once on the stand I wanna open up the GSX menu, which shows for seconds an says "Loading... " and then it closes.
That happened to me now in EGCC, EFIV, EGBB and LEAL. All airports are thrid party airports.

EGCC, EGBB -Macco Simulations
EFIV - MMSimulations
LEAL - Pilot's

I have removed all airports in the CONFIG for GSX world - Jetway configuration, just to make sure... but I think that hasn't to do anything with that problem??!

Appreciate your support


Always happy landings and three green!


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Re: GSX just flashes but doesn't load when using PMDG 737
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2023, 12:37:52 pm »
Well since you said this, I guess everything I experienced was just in my head.  I must be crazy.

Where, exactly, I said I don't "believe" YOU are seeing this?

I DO believe YOU have this problem but, since it doesn't normally happen and of course I tested it before replying, like I test everything that is being reported, even if there wouldn't be any need, since Youtube if full of channels streaming GSX + PMDG 737 every day, it should be clear this problem doesn't normally happen so it's not a GSX-specific problem.

This should already be useful information for you but, instead of taking its value, you are accusing me of "not giving your support". Checking if a problem happens after a report, and saying it doesn't normally happen is the first step for PROPER support, where, exactly, I said we'll stop here?

If you used the info that PMDG works normally with GSX, and lots  of users use it every day, and in order to do its deep integration (so advanced that it deserved a specific chapter on the manual) we must have tested it extensive, as an HINT that MAYBE there's something wrong with your setup, then we can PROCEED from there and further investigate.

Because nobody ever said "it was in your head".


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Re: GSX just flashes but doesn't load when using PMDG 737
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2023, 04:07:05 pm »
I’m also having this problem for weeks


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Re: GSX just flashes but doesn't load when using PMDG 737
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2023, 05:02:01 pm »
I’m also having this problem for weeks

In the thread about this:,30570.0.html

all users that said they solved it, said it was solved by restarting the sim, suggesting it has something to do with reaching the max number of objects, which makes Simconnect unresponsive and in some cases, the only option is to restart the simulator.


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Re: GSX just flashes but doesn't load when using PMDG 737
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2023, 05:47:52 pm »
I have a similar problem but it happens at any airport and with any aircraft. The only things in my community folder are fsdreamteam-gsx-pro & fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways
MSFS version is and GSX is version 2.8.7

No warning that couatl engine is not running
I would appreciate any help. Thanks


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Re: GSX just flashes but doesn't load when using PMDG 737
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2023, 07:53:42 pm »
You wouldn’t believe this. But i solved it after setting the Parking brakes. This only appears for me if i depress the foot brakes and then the parking brake comes off
« Last Edit: November 28, 2023, 08:15:04 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX just flashes but doesn't load when using PMDG 737
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2023, 08:16:13 pm »
You wouldn’t believe this. But i solved it after setting the Parking brakes. This only appears for me if i depress the foot brakes and then the parking brake comes off

Could be you had both GSX Aural cues and the verbosity switch down, so you couldn't see the message or hear the voice saying to release parking brakes?