Author Topic: FSDT Live Update never finishes  (Read 945 times)


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FSDT Live Update never finishes
« on: October 05, 2023, 11:40:17 pm »
I'm new to GSX pro and I have been recently coming upon with a repeating error message were once arriving at the gate of my destination airport (always different), when I go to request deboard in the GSX menu, it shows that there is a texture missing for one of the baggage trailers and that causes Couati to crash. I don't know why this always happens but it always says to run FSDT Live Update. When I then go to run Live Update, it starts as normal with an update but once it shows the message above the middle bar "Checking for local file not to Remote to remove from task: Updating GSX Pro" and then Live Updater just closes and I have to start over but it never gets past it.

I don't know what could be causing this but I have both GSX Pro and MSFS downloaded on my D: drive and if I have tried to reinstall GSX Pro a couple times but this never seams to resolve.

If you know what could be causing this issue, I would be grateful for any advise.