Author Topic: GSX boarding/catering not working correctly  (Read 1274 times)


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GSX boarding/catering not working correctly
« on: September 17, 2023, 06:11:38 am »
Hi Team,

I've been having this issue for months after an update months ago where every time I try to have passengers board the loaders and passengers do not show up and the whole invisible boarding finishes much faster than programmed to (in 1 minute even though its set to board in a realistic way). Also, the Catering Vehicle is just a pickup truck that shows up and leaves within 10 seconds. I have used all types of aircraft just to make sure it's not related to a third-party aircraft.
To be clear the program works. I can use the pushback option only pretty much that works correctly.

I have reinstalled my game, and the gsx program itself and updated to the latest version. I tried to find third party programs that might have corrupted the program and deleted them. I deleted the Virtuali folder in %AppFolder% and reinstalled gsx from scratch. I even put the AddonManager folder as an exception to my antivirus and used the offline installer. Nothing seems to fix the issue.

This attached Photo is me running the boarding as well as the catering. On the right is the catering pickup truck, and as you can see there are no cargo trucks/loaders visible or any passengers boarding.

What can I do? I miss using this program :(


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Re: GSX boarding/catering not working correctly
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2023, 09:03:38 pm »
This has been discussed and answered so many times, it's because GSX couldn't detect the jetway properly. This to prevent to see passengers in the air, which is what would happen, if GSX didn't checked if a jetway is connected properly before calling passengers.

When this happens, GSX will give you abundantly clear messages WHY the passenger boarding will only be simulated because of that, with different messages in case the jetway didn't connect at all, or connected partially. However, if you use GSX in the wrong way, by closing its menu with a click on the Toolbar icon making it Inactive, you'll MISS all text messages from GSX. If you are using the menu this way, please read the manual pages 85-86, where the correct usage of the menu is explained.

If you see the jetway visually connected, but you still see passenger boarding/deboarding only simulated, there might be many possible reasons for this:

- You are using a 3rd party airport but haven't disabled the GSX jetway replacement files for it. Please read the manual at Page 7, which explains in detail why you must do that, when, and why some sceneries won't be recognized automatically.

- There might not be a conflict but, because of too many objects in the scene, Simconnect might have start to misbehave, causing GSX not getting data about the airport, so it doesn't know where the jetways are (or even if there are any), so it doesn't show passengers, because it doesn't know there's a jetway there. This is caused by having hit the maximum limit of Simobjects in the simulator, due to too high AI density settings, too high GSX Passenger Density settings, or just too many objects in a scenery.