Author Topic: Problem with pushback tugs  (Read 3809 times)


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Re: Problem with pushback tugs
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2023, 11:31:54 am »
No Sir, I persist and sign. The fault is on your side and all what you proposed to solve the problem didn't work.

You can persist as many times as you want but, that doesn't make what you are saying any more true.

It didn't work with Fenix A320, it didn't work with Asobo A320Neo, it didn't work with FBW A320Neo.

Of course it works here. I already explained what you need to verify.

Again, for the last time, if your logic was working in your sim.cfg set, as you pretend, the following configurations should NEVER choose the tug TMX_150, unless the aircraft empty weight would be between 50000 & 90000 lb, which we know, is not the case for Fenix A320 or A320Neo of Asobo or FBW.

That's exactly what's happening here. I never get the TMX with the changes.

Sorry but your discussion about  MSFS Weight and Balance page, or "//" comment markers, etc... etc... Are just inacceptable, as it is YOUR DUTY to make your program to work properly, !!! Whatever, cause the settings I mentioned here to not work, is your FAULT.

Of course my discussion about weight and comments matters, and it's not my fault if you don't understand it or don't even what to test all of these, because that might possibly explain WHY you are mistakenly assuming our "logic doesn't work", when  it clearly does.

Now, I am tired to loose my time with a person like you.

You have no idea how tired I am.

I already told you all the things you might have done wrong of failed to check, trying to explain why the logic obviously works perfectly fine here, but not FOR YOU, and to this you replied with that nonsensical sentence about you don't care about the airplane weight or care to check or you don't care about what might result in the file not being read correctly ( c++ comments in an .INI file ).

But that's even besides the point.

The point is you should NOT alter GSX configuration files, which obviously works as expected and I can't lose my time trying to understand what YOU are clearly doing it wrong, because it surely works perfectly here but, since recording a video showing all the modifications step by step to prove you the LOGIC WORKS, I decided the spend my time in a more productive way and, instead, making a much better solution that would REMOVE the need to alter the GSX vehicle selection rules that even if they work perfectly fine, are not that easy to edit or understand and I can't afford to spend all this time just to prove you something that works beyond any doubt so, in the next update, it will be possible to specify a preference for Towbar/Towbarless in the parking selection page, which is of course the best solution because:

- It won't require altering default configuration files that will be OVERWRITTEN at the next update anyway

- It will more realistically tie the choice of the vehicle to the airport and the parking spot, as it's in real life.