Author Topic: Jetways in Wrong place/Not in right position, Not Showing or working  (Read 1588 times)


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I'm having a trouble with GSX Pro since it was released. On the Airports, the jetways always was on wrong position or doesn't work, i think that was a GSX problem in the begining but now, seeing my friend's flying to the same airports and don't having this problem i'm thinking that maybe the problem was with my SIM or GSX. I've tried use the FSDT Universal Installer to config the Jetway configuration but doesn't work too, i've tried use a custom airport profile and doesn't work too, at some airports, when i use a jetway via GSX, the COUATL sometimes crash too. I don't know more what can i do for solve this problem and it's very sad buy this addon to arrive at airport and jetways don't show/work or is on wrong position, if someone knows how to solve this i will apreciate! (my GSX Version now is 2.7.5)


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Re: Jetways in Wrong place/Not in right position, Not Showing or working
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2023, 11:28:27 am »
It's not clear what do you mean with "the Airports".

If you mean non-default airports, as explained in the manual, Page 7, GSX Jetway replacement files should be Disabled for ALL your 3rd party airports, because GSX jetway replacement is only meant to happen at DEFAULT airports. Quoting the manual, same page:

It’s very important to keep in mind that, in almost all situations, the GSX replacement jetway files must be disabled if you use a 3rd party airport, because these
files are only meant to be used on default airports.

When you first install GSX, it automatically disables all the 3rd party airports it can find, but if you install a new airport after GSX, you must go back to the GSX Config page and use the "Exclude 3rd party" button again to let it automatically exclude the new airport or, if it's not recognized automatically, exclude it with its code manually. Quoting the manual again, same page 7:

If you install a new 3rd party scenery, just installing it won’t result to automatically go here and reconfigure Jetway Exclusion, you should develop a habit to always check the GSX Config page after installing a new 3rd party scenery. Failing to do so, would result in Parking conflicts (visible as double Parking spots in the World Map), and Jetways malfunctions.

The manual also explains why some airports might not be recognized automatically (because their package names don't follow the official naming convention, common with freeware), and the manual also suggest this, if you mostly use 3rd party airports.

If you never use default airports and you always have a 3rd party add-on for any airport you fly into, you might consider Disabling ALL GSX Jetway replacement files at once, by clicking the >>> button on the Enabled side, so they will all go on the Disabled side, and eventually Enable an airport, for that time you want to use the default scenery.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2023, 11:31:48 am by virtuali »