Author Topic: No vehicles/FSTL possible linked issue  (Read 1258 times)


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No vehicles/FSTL possible linked issue
« on: August 19, 2023, 05:53:24 pm »

Often when I load MSFS I won't have any GSX vehicles visible, and also FSTL traffic isn't visible either (I can't get support from FSTL as my discord log in is broken). I mention is as FSTL worked fine before I installed GSXpro

I run the live updater before I start MSFS and sometimes this will work and everything is visible. At other times I run it and visuals still don't work. Even restarting the Couati engine via the GSX menu or start menu doesn't work

Has anyone come across this before?

EDIT: Just taken off from a 3rd party EGLL and noticed all the ground signs etc are missing as well. Pretty sure all these are linked
« Last Edit: August 19, 2023, 06:25:01 pm by bosseye »


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Re: No vehicles/FSTL possible linked issue
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2023, 03:17:35 am »
its   thats   you over  your  max  sim objects, lower   your  settings  in  fstl and  in  gsx  pro settings


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Re: No vehicles/FSTL possible linked issue
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2023, 02:06:09 pm »
I mention is as FSTL worked fine before I installed GSXpro

If you installed GSX Pro *before* FSTL, you would have noticed exactly the same thing, just in reverse: GSX Pro working fine before you installed FSTL.

Before those AI Traffic products came out ( about October 2022 ), nobody was even *AWARE* there was such thing as a limit on the maximum number of Simobjects in the sim, and GSX was already out by several months, because GSX *alone* is not capable to reach the limit, it always required to add an AI Traffic product AND/OR a very dense 3rd party airport for the problem to manifest itself.

This doesn't mean I'm saying it's the AI traffic or the 3rd party airport "fault" the limit is reached, I'm only saying GSX is not the one causing this, it's a COMBINATION of all various add-ons, all contributing to reaching the maximum Simobjects limit, which is currently documented at 1000.

Of course, as soon these AI traffic products came out, and the problem became apparent, we did our part, providing several tools and explanations how you can work on GSX to reduce ITS OWN contribution to the Simobjects number, which are as follows:

- The "Passenger Density" slider will have an effect on how many passengers you'll see at once. Lowering this will reduce the number of objects in the scene.

- The "Extra Ground Clutter" option in the GSX Config panel in the installer, if disabled, will install a reduced version of the GSX Jetway replacement files, which includes only jetways and nothing else, so it won't increase the number of objects compared to the default scenery. This option would benefit ONLY default sceneries, which are the only ones you are supposed to use GSX Jetway replacement files with.

- In the GSX airport customization page, in the "Details" button, there's an option to prevent creation of the static GSX VGDS objects, which are the inactive VGDSs. If used, GSX will only create the VGDS model for the single gate you activated in GSX, so it will save on the maximum number of objects. It's by-airport, since it's mostly effective with airports with many VGDSs.

These are the options you have in GSX to keep the number of objects under control. Of course, the best results would be if you also use the AI Traffic product own options to do the same, since each product can contribute to reaching the limit.