I ask the question because every time I install a new FSDreamteam airport I have the same issue. Yesterday I purchased the package that contains PHNL and Hawiian Airports V1 and V2. After the installation I activated all of the airports. Everything seemed to be fine but then I started getting the dreaded "Your trial period has begun" message. Not only was this the case in ALL of the airports which I had just installed but was also the case with ALL of my previously installed FSDreamteam airports, KCLT, KDFW, KFLL, KIAH, KLAS, KLAX, KMEM, KSDF. All showed activated. I reinstalled the Hawaiian airports but still had the issue with my other airports. I reinstalled two of those airports and then reinstalled Hawwaiian Airports V1 before resolving the issue. So, my question again, is there a trick to installing the airports? I would really like to avoid having to uninstall and reinstall everything each time I install a new airport. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am using the universal installer to activate and update my FSDreamteam airports.