I have a partial "workaround" answer on question#1. You cant save a carrier in Free Flight, however, you can save a Practice Mission, AND you can make it so the default carrier is REPLACED w/Javier's. Im at work, so I dont have full internet access, but Google "replacing acceleration default carrier with Javier carrier". There should be a link to a board that details the entire process.
Once you replace the accel carrier, go into the Carrier Tutorial, click on both "show saved flights" and "allow changes", then load it up. Press ALT to open the options window. Load Sludge Hornet. Get it setup how you want, w/TACAN dialed in 57X, and save it. Should be able to reuse that scenario to practice carrier landings. Best answer I know of....
On #2, not a whole lot of info. other than Ive run it and it seemed to work well. Sorry, not able to help much.