Author Topic: "You are currently parked at the wrong parking position"  (Read 2655 times)


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"You are currently parked at the wrong parking position"
« on: January 06, 2023, 05:00:07 pm »
No, I'm not. Yet it gives me this error if I'm .000000005 microns away from the stop point of the parking spot.


FSDT's LFSB. Parking spot F1.

Taxi the PMDG 738 and stop just very slightly short as the marshaller is closing the wands.

"You are currently parked at the wrong parking position"

Now you have to warp to the spot to get it to deboard.


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Re: "You are currently parked at the wrong parking position"
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2023, 05:13:30 pm »
The default threshold distance to decide if you are parked at the wrong gate, is 25 meters, which means you can be up to 25 meters from the correct position, before GSX will show that message.

The setting can be changed globally, by modifying the following variable in the [GSX] section of the %APPDATA%\Virtuali\Couatladdons.ini file:

gateDistanceThreshold = xx

If you changed it from the default of 25 meters, and make it smaller, it will might help GSX figuring it out parking spots that are very close to each other, with the side effect that you'll likely see this message more often.

Since in a later update, it's possible to set this distance in the GSX airport profile for each parking position, it's best doing that only at parking spots that are very close to each other, rather than change the value globally.

This setting doesn't have anything to do with the Marhaller tolerance, which I guess confused you with your " I'm .000000005 microns away from the stop point" sentence. You might park perfectly at 0.0, but you can still see this message, which check ANOTHER thing entirely: the parking position you are on, not you parking accuracy.


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Re: "You are currently parked at the wrong parking position"
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2023, 05:50:57 pm »
Ok thanks, I'll try that... FYI I don't have that setting already in my couatladdons.ini, so I'm adding it with 25 set.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2023, 06:08:43 pm by virtuali »


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Re: "You are currently parked at the wrong parking position"
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2023, 06:09:36 pm »
Ok thanks, I'll try that... FYI I don't have that setting already in my couatladdons.ini, so I'm adding it with 25 set.

If the setting is not there, it defaults to 25 meters so, setting or not won't make any difference. A custom setting in the GSX profile for the airport, will of course take precedence over the global setting.


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Re: "You are currently parked at the wrong parking position"
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2023, 02:24:27 am »
This warning message is starting to get a little frustrating. It would be one thing if GSX would just teleport me to the exact, pixel-perfect position that it seems to desire without issue. But instead, if I tell GSX to reposition me to the spot and then open the menu again to request deboarding, GSX sits there and does nothing and the vehicles/marshaller disappear. The only way to get it back is a couatl restart. That shouldn't happen, right?


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Re: "You are currently parked at the wrong parking position"
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2023, 11:42:16 am »
This warning message is starting to get a little frustrating.

Nobody else has ever reported a problem with this.

It would be one thing if GSX would just teleport me to the exact, pixel-perfect position that it seems to desire without issue.

That's exactly what it does. And as I've said, even if the position really was ".000000005 microns" off as you said, as long as it's less than the threshold distance, which by default it's 25 meters, it will accept the position as correct.

But instead, if I tell GSX to reposition me to the spot and then open the menu again to request deboarding, GSX sits there and does nothing and the vehicles/marshaller disappear. The only way to get it back is a couatl restart. That shouldn't happen, right?

No, and in fact it doesn't happen to anybody else, since you can see you are the one and only reporting a problem like this in the whole forum. So, as usual, when reporting a problem, always include proper reproduction steps:

- The scenery used. If it's not default, clearly specify which scenery is.

- If you are using a custom GSX profile, and if you do, clearly specify which profile, if you made it (then post it), or if you downloaded it (post a link to it)

- The airplane used.

- The parking you selected.


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Re: "You are currently parked at the wrong parking position"
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2023, 01:26:51 pm »
Downloaded profile -
PMDG 737-700
Gate 21

« Last Edit: July 07, 2023, 01:55:01 pm by virtuali »


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Re: "You are currently parked at the wrong parking position"
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2023, 02:36:25 pm »
Works perfectly fine here. Tried in both ways:

- by positioning on Gate 21 using the MSFS Main Menu, no message from GSX asking to reposition, selected Boarding, it worked normally.

- by positioning on Gate 21 using the MSFS Main Menu, selected "Reposition on this gate" in GSX, selected Boarding, it worked normally.

Yes, there's a difference between the MSFS-calculated position and the GSX custom Stop position that comes with the profile, but it's still well within the 25 meters threshold (which is default and the profile hasn't changed it) where GSX would still consider the airplane parked correctly.

Have you disabled GSX replacement jetway files for it, something you should always do when installing a new scenery after GSX ? Not doing this, would surely cause a parking position conflict.

And, when you use the PMDG, and your startup save states has the PMDG vehicles active, GSX will first send away all PMDG vehicles, which will take about 30 seconds, that might give you the impression GSX stopped, but in fact it's just waiting for the PMDG vehicles to go away, THEN it will start Boarding with its own vehicles. That's why we suggested several times on the forum to create a custom Save state in the PMDG to be used for GSX, with all PMDG vehicles already sent away, so you won't have to wait 30 seconds each time.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2023, 02:38:04 pm by virtuali »


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Re: "You are currently parked at the wrong parking position"
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2023, 12:58:17 am »
Works perfectly fine here. Tried in both ways:

- by positioning on Gate 21 using the MSFS Main Menu, no message from GSX asking to reposition, selected Boarding, it worked normally.

- by positioning on Gate 21 using the MSFS Main Menu, selected "Reposition on this gate" in GSX, selected Boarding, it worked normally.

Yes, there's a difference between the MSFS-calculated position and the GSX custom Stop position that comes with the profile, but it's still well within the 25 meters threshold (which is default and the profile hasn't changed it) where GSX would still consider the airplane parked correctly.

Have you disabled GSX replacement jetway files for it, something you should always do when installing a new scenery after GSX ? Not doing this, would surely cause a parking position conflict.

And, when you use the PMDG, and your startup save states has the PMDG vehicles active, GSX will first send away all PMDG vehicles, which will take about 30 seconds, that might give you the impression GSX stopped, but in fact it's just waiting for the PMDG vehicles to go away, THEN it will start Boarding with its own vehicles. That's why we suggested several times on the forum to create a custom Save state in the PMDG to be used for GSX, with all PMDG vehicles already sent away, so you won't have to wait 30 seconds each time.

Can you please try setting up the scenario as arriving at KOAK from another airport, selecting Gate 21, then following the marshaller in? That's where this issue is cropping up for me, not when I use the reposition function at the same airport I start the session at.

I have all GSX jetways disabled.

All of my custom PMDG panel states have the stairs and conveyer vehicles removed. The only PMDG items I have are the A/C cart and GPU.


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Re: "You are currently parked at the wrong parking position"
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2023, 02:24:15 pm »
The real crux of the issue is that GSX vehicles are disappearing after I request deboarding and the only solution is a couatl restart. I've looked at several couatl logs after this happens, and they're all pretty much identical in that they end with:
PMDG_Handler.pop() code 616
PMDG_Handler.pop() code 612
PMDG_Handler.pop() code 632
PMDG_Handler.pop() code 632

Example log attached.


Flytampa EKCH Gate D2
PMDG 737-800
Downloaded profile attached


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Re: "You are currently parked at the wrong parking position"
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2023, 03:41:15 pm »
The real crux of the issue is that GSX vehicles are disappearing after I request deboarding and the only solution is a couatl restart. I've looked at several couatl logs after this happens, and they're all pretty much identical in that they end with

Those lines are perfectly fine, the real problem is this line (and others similar):

requestJetwayData Internal error (dwIndex == 99)

The 99 error code is an internal Simconnect error, which seems to be really a Simconnect bug or, possibly, an issue caused by too many objects in a scene, as discussed here:,29576.msg192029.html#msg192029

After that error comes, Simconnect becomes erratic and, basically, everything we ask the Navdata for, will return random errors. Try reducing your AI settings, especially if you use AI injection.

Or, just close Couatl entirely after takeoff, and start it after landing. Or use the Couatl tray bar icon to Restart it. However, in some cases, when Simconnect really gets screwed, restarting Couatl won't fix this, and you need to restart  the sim.


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Re: "You are currently parked at the wrong parking position"
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2023, 11:20:24 pm »
Restarting couatl doesn't help. However, I've stopped selecting my parking spot in the air for my last handful of flights (selecting them right after landing instead) and haven't seen the disappearing vehicle issue yet.


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Re: "You are currently parked at the wrong parking position"
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2023, 04:35:27 pm »
I also ran into this once after a recent arrival. I was in a hurry, so all I did was restart Couatl and try de-boarding again, which worked. No repositioning.

I do not recall which airport it was, but it was either (FT) KLAS, KBOS, KDEN, or (INI) KTPA. It happened after landing, taxiing to the gate, and using a marshaller.

I haven't seen it again, but the one thing that stands out to me is that all of my other arrivals used a VDGS instead of a marshaller (and I always select my arrival gate before landing).  If it happens again, I'll try to get some more info and report back.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2023, 04:37:03 pm by Pirateinparadise »
The drinking rum on the beach kind. Not the software stealing kind.