Author Topic: (RESOLVED) BUG - Issues with LFSB since 2.6.3  (Read 1273 times)


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(RESOLVED) BUG - Issues with LFSB since 2.6.3
« on: July 04, 2023, 09:41:42 pm »

Since the update for 2.6.3 LFSB, there are issues with errors occurring that stop Couatl from running, either showing an error or it crashes. It just so happened my friend I fly with was still on 2.6.2 and did not have the issue, however upon updating to 2.6.3 receives the same error as I do straight away. We both fly using FranceVFR LFSB. However, searching through the GSX Community Discord it shows someone has the same error using the FSDT LFSB as well as the default MSFS scenery. Therefore, it seems Coulatl is trying to do something at LFSB that is conflicting here.

I note that an update was made in respect of P3D for LFSB and wonder if this is related (accidental merging of data, etc?), as it appears it was not an issue before that update.

Code: [Select]
couatl v4.8 (build 5251)
panic log started on Tue Jul  4 14:48:08 2023

problem raised by engine or unspecified addon
{'Airport': 'LFSB', 'User Pos': (47.599663861341305, 7.5281749953638775, 270.013 m, 2.68807 m, 175.77625417374048, 0.0048492974601686, 0.003490658476948738, -0.0004549849266370169, 2.7096721046447754, 1.0)} provides aircraft data with priority 2  baseName =  FLYBYWIRE_A320_NEO
Using aircraft data from
Found gsx.cfg file at E:\MSFS 2020\FS Packages\Community\flybywire-aircraft-a320-neo\SimObjects\Airplanes\FlyByWire_A320_NEO\gsx.cfg
CREATE_OBJECT_FAILED in call AICreateSimulatedObject param #1 'FSDT_LFSB_belvedere'
[LFSB] Starting Windsock animations
Error: no model for title FSDT_Windsock_PBR
No model of title FSDT_Windsock_PBR
{'Airport': 'LFSB', 'User Pos': (47.599663861341305, 7.5281749953638775, 270.013 m, 2.68807 m, 175.77625417374048, 0.0048492974601686, 0.003490658476948738, -0.0004549849266370169, 2.7096721046447754, 1.0)}
icaoType A20N overriding icao_type_designator A20N from aircraft.cfg
User collision geometries reloaded
SharedMemInterface created
MSFS always use CheckIcingConditionsSimple() + surface condition
Icing test =  0 25.0 False
CREATE_OBJECT_FAILED in call AICreateSimulatedObject param #1 'FSDT_LFSB_LOCAL_1_FX'
{'Airport': 'LFSB', 'User Pos': (47.599663861341305, 7.5281749953638775, 270.013 m, 2.68807 m, 175.77625417374048, 0.0048492974601686, 0.003490658476948738, -0.0004549849266370169, 2.7096721046447754, 1.0)}
CREATE_OBJECT_FAILED in call AICreateSimulatedObject param #1 'FSDT_LFSB_LOCAL_1_FX'
{'Airport': 'LFSB', 'User Pos': (47.599663861341305, 7.5281749953638775, 270.013 m, 2.68807 m, 175.77625417374048, 0.0048492974601686, 0.003490658476948738, -0.0004549849266370169, 2.7096721046447754, 1.0)}
CREATE_OBJECT_FAILED in call AICreateSimulatedObject param #1 'FSDT_Windsock_PBR'
{'Airport': 'LFSB', 'User Pos': (47.599663861341305, 7.5281749953638775, 270.013 m, 2.68807 m, 175.77625417374048, 0.0048492974601686, 0.003490658476948738, -0.0004549849266370169, 2.7096721046447754, 1.0)}
CREATE_OBJECT_FAILED in call AICreateSimulatedObject param #1 'FSDT_JTW_Passenger02'
Error: no model for title FSDT_JTW_Passenger02
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\LFSB\", line 92, in onObjectCreated
  File ".\LFSB\", line 30, in createIdlePax
  File ".\common\", line 1285, in getModelWithTitle
common.modelCustomization.ModelNotAvailable: No model of title FSDT_JTW_Passenger02
{'Airport': 'LFSB', 'User Pos': (47.599663861341305, 7.5281749953638775, 270.013 m, 2.68807 m, 175.77625417374048, 0.0048492974601686, 0.003490658476948738, -0.0004549849266370169, 2.7096721046447754, 1.0)}

This is my error. My friend has more or less identical errors when it makes reference to FSDT objects and also similar to what was posted on Discord.

I have only recently installed GSX as I'm on a new PC build, but have reinstalled. Since seeing others have the same issue by just being at this airport, I don't believe it's an issue unique to my end, but if I can provide any more assistance do let me know.

Regards, Jason

Update - This has been fixed after Umberto kindly responded on Discord. The live files have been refreshed allowing you to run 'check' and it should download the right files; however if running a 'check' in the regular installer doesn't work, then try an update in the offline installer.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2023, 11:01:03 am by JasonO »