Author Topic: GSX Causes Touchdown Stutter  (Read 6721 times)


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Re: GSX Causes Touchdown Stutter
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2023, 12:00:06 pm »
A process is occurring from GSX on touchdown that is causing a stutter (I for the avoidance of doubt am not pre-selecting a gate before arrival).

I can only repeat and confirm, GSX is not doing anything when the airplane touches down UNLESS you have preselected a Gate before landing.

In that case, it's perfectly normal you would see some stuttering, because GSX at that time will create all the objects at the gate it couldn't do when you were in the air, because when you are not on the airport, the ground altitude due to terrain LOD is not very precise, so if GSX tried to create the objects when you were still flying, they would either floating or underground, because the ground altitude is not final until you land. THIS we can surely fix, by delaying the creation how those objects until after you landed, so at least the touchdown moment won't be affected.

But again, this cannot possibly happening if you are not pre-selecting a gate, there's just nothing GSX does when touching down, if you haven't preselected a gate.

Of course I tried it, and I cannot replicate it so, it would be useful if those few affected that posted here would include proper reproduction steps, with a complete indication of ALL add-ons they are using.


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Re: GSX Causes Touchdown Stutter
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2023, 10:27:45 pm »

I'm bringing this topic back up as I've been experiencing massive stutters right before touchdown that messed up a lot of my landings. While investigating the issue, I decided to remove the GSX shortcuts from my Community folder to see if that would have an impact. After a few flights, I can say that removing GSX fixed my issue. There has to be something that GSX does on some configurations when approaching an airport that causes that to happen? As mentionned previously, I never select my gate when I'm still airborne and always wait until I landed and vacated the runway.

The last post on this thread from virtuali is almost 2 months old. Is FSDT investigating the issue? GSX is a great tool and it's a shame I'm not able to use it at the moment.

Thanks for the help,


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Re: GSX Causes Touchdown Stutter
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2023, 02:18:59 pm »
We already investigate the issue and:

- It can't be reproduced in any way when selecting a gate after landing, so we surely need way more detail about where this exactly happens and ALL your add-ons, including airplane, AI traffic, utilities, everything, with the precise, exact, specification of the scenery used and if you are using a custom GSX profile, and which one.

- When selecting a gate before landing, the current version doesn't generate objects immediately on touchdown, but it waits for your speed to be below 40 kts so, the stuttering that is normal to be happening when creating the objects at the gate, won't at least affect the actual touchdown.


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Re: GSX Causes Touchdown Stutter
« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2023, 04:07:00 am »
Something has been broken in recent GSX updates. It’s been a few weeks since I last used the sim, so as I fired the sim and updated GSX to most recent version, I’m now getting stutters/jitters when the GSX vehicles/tow truck is moving.

I’ve tried everything. Left nothing but the GSX folders and Fenix A320 in the community folder. Nothing else using sim connect. Still get the stutters. But if I remove GSX from the sim, it runs silky smooth.

I been just going crazy to fix so I just unlinked and see if a fix comes.


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Re: GSX Causes Touchdown Stutter
« Reply #19 on: October 31, 2023, 10:14:54 am »
Something has been broken in recent GSX updates.

Please don't post the same message on different threads. I already replied to you here:,30665.msg196829.html#msg196829


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Re: GSX Causes Touchdown Stutter
« Reply #20 on: October 31, 2023, 05:47:19 pm »
add me to the list, stutters all over the place (when parked at gate or ramp), all vehicles. Pushback trucks too, which will make everything stutter from the VC view, this add-on is unusable ATM.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2023, 02:45:23 pm by SN737 »


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Re: GSX Causes Touchdown Stutter
« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2023, 10:36:28 am »
add me to the list, stutters all over the place (when parked at gate or ramp), all vehicles. Pushback trucks too, which will make everything stutter from the VC view, this add-on is unusable ATM.

This thread is about a specific issue that GSX is supposedly causing a brief stuttering ON TOUCHDOWN, which then goes away, that's the only thing this thread is about.

Instead, your post seems to indicate something completely different, like a generic stuttering all over the place. If this is the case, please open a new thread, with a proper title, and describe the problem accurately.


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Re: GSX Causes Touchdown Stutter
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2023, 01:22:27 pm »
I have found a workaround for myself to get rid of touch down stutters. No need to uninstall GSX. I found that it is something related to cache.

So my steps to perform smooth flight:
1. load MSFS for the first time;
2. load arrival or departing airport and open GSX;
3. close MSFS;
4. load MSFS for the second time and enjoy your flight.

I need to do it every time I reload my PC.

After performing those steps I have never had any touchdown stutters with both preselected or not GSX service.