Author Topic: The addon <unknown> is causing the Couatl Scripting Engine to restart.  (Read 4691 times)


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    • VIRTUALI Sagl
Also tried doing the offline installer, then live update

I think I said already you should never to do this, if you need the Offline installer, it must be the last thing you run, otherwise is useless. And, of course, you need to download it again each time we have an update. Even if you downloaded today, we had already some updates to it after that so, be sure you download it again now, and run *just* the Offline installer.


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Sorry, I meant Live, then Offline...I'll give it a shot. Thanks for your patience.


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Yeah so I tried it all over and same error.  Is it possible you can send me instructions for a clean install or rather what all I need to delete to start over? I had to run the offline installer months ago and worked flawlessly, but this time I'm just bugged.

couatl v4.8 (build 5236)
panic log started on Thu Jun  8 14:18:03 2023

problem raised by engine or unspecified addon
Main Menu loaded
Common onAppStart
host file found, checking it
Current locale is English_United States.1252
Initializing audio...
Available devices:
  Generic Software on Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
  Generic Software on Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
  Generic Software on Headset Earphone (Corsair HS60 PRO Surround USB Sound Adapter)
Created OpenAL device: Generic Software on Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)

Device info:
   Major version: 1
   Minor version: 1
   Frequency: 44100
   Refresh: 40
   Sync: 0
   Mono sources: 255
   Stereo sources: 1

Context info:
   Vendor: Creative Labs Inc.
   Version: 1.1
   Renderer: Software

Using EFX 1.0 extension, with 1 auxiliary send(s)
Using EAX reverb
[LFSB] Outdated scenery, Fire Brigade VANS are disabled
Simulator version (from MAIN.DLL) is 11.0.282174.999
isPBRAvailable returned  False
isRTTAvailable returned  False
GetSimObjectsFolder() returned  C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager/MSFS/fsdreamteam-gsx-pro/SimObjects
GetAdditionalSimObjectsFolder() returned  C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager/MSFS/fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways/SimObjects
GetAdditionalSimObjectsFolderV5() returned 
gateDistanceThreshold = 25 m
GSX SimStart
GSX SimStop
GSX SimStart
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\common\", line 538, in onSimStart
  File ".\common\", line 55, in reloadGeometries
  File ".\common\", line 23, in _synchronized
  File ".\common\", line 1961, in getAircraftData
  File ".\common\", line 798, in __init__
  File ".\python27\", line 58, in isabs
  File ".\python27\", line 117, in splitdrive
RuntimeError: the main tasklet is receiving without a sender available.


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Same issue is happening to me. Used the live update first, tried the check option on the FSDT installer, then tried the offline updater. Each time on MSFS start (which is being done normally from windows not through another app) I get the error.


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I just unlinked, uninstalled GSXPro to give that a try as well...Launched MSFS, got the error...So I downloaded a fresh offline install and ran the addon manager.exe..relaunched MSFS, still the error. I'm going to try a flight after restarting Couatl via the error prompt...but hope we can figure it out down the road.


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    • VIRTUALI Sagl
I cannot reproduce the error but, looking at your logs, it seems the simulator started without being ready to accept Simconnect commands yet. Since I cannot reproduce the problem, I must try a fix "in the blind", try running the Live Updater again now, and see if it makes any difference.

And please, do not open a new thread, when one (to which I merged your posts into now) with an identical title has already been open just today.


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It fixed it! Thank you so much! You wasn't to blind trying to help us! Thank you again...Hope it helps the others more error! I'm going to restart my computer and try again just to make sure, and prepare for a 13 hr flight while I sleep. Thanks again for your time in helping us! What was it that seemed to be the problem if I can ask?


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Thanks again for your time in helping us! What was it that seemed to be the problem if I can ask?

Apparently, in your systems ( this might be system-related, as in how many add-ons you have and how much time it takes to start the sim ), the simulator was basically lying to us, saying it loaded the main menu, so it theory it should have been completely loaded and ready to accept Simconnect commands, but in fact it wasn't, so I just made a check for that condition, and delayed the Simconnect request for the airplane Title, which is required to support the airline Variation, which is now happens later.


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Yeah I'm not sure. I haven't had the problem before like this, and don't usually add to many addons...Just happened to stop working when I updated to 2.6.2 today...Glad it's working. I just restarted the computer, and sim, and it works fine now.  ;D


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    • VIRTUALI Sagl
I haven't had the problem before like this

The Simconnect request for the airplane Title at that particular time has been added to this version, because before GSX didn't support [Variation] liveries, it always read the aircraft.cfg from the base model, that's why you never had it before.

Rob Jones

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Ran Live Update again and all good, thank you.