Author Topic: Trouble Installing Chicago O'Hare V2 in Prepar3dv6  (Read 3088 times)


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Trouble Installing Chicago O'Hare V2 in Prepar3dv6
« on: February 28, 2024, 04:30:14 pm »
Just posting this to let anyone out there who is installing Chicago O'Hare V2 about problem I had and how I fixed it after pulling my hair out for a day. When you install the scenery and get this message,"" Scenery.cfg file error.Could not find scenery FsDreamTeam Chicago O'Hare V2 Additional Compatibilty Layer's local scenery directory: C:\Prepar3dv6\Addon Manager\FsDreamTeam\KORD2\prepar3dv6\SCENERY, "" you need to go into Addon Manager. My Addon Manager is in drive D, yours could be C: D:, etc. You should see a folder FsDreamTeam. Open up the folder and you will see 2 folders named Exclude and KORDV2. After you open KORDV2, you'll notice there are two folders named prepar3dv4 and prepar3dv5, even if you don't have either one of those versions installed. I only have prepar3dv6 installed. You'll notice there is no prepar3dv6 folder. Now create a Prepar3dv6 folder and then open prepar3dv5 or 4 folder and you'll see a scenery folder. After you have created a Prepar3dv6 folder open it and then make a folder named scenery. Open scenery folder in prepar3dv5 folder and copy the file FSDT_KORD_SF01.bgl and then paste it into Prepar3dv6\Scenery folder and your scenery should work fine and the message will go away when you start V6 up. Sorry for the long drawn out instructions, but it consumed a day of my time figuring this out. (I'm retired).

Paul Thorn