Author Topic: Can't get the fuel to work properly  (Read 2008 times)


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Can't get the fuel to work properly
« on: May 04, 2023, 11:48:56 am »

I am struggling to understand how to properly use the Fueling Request. I am sitting on the ramp, I request fuel, the truck comes, I select the option of custom refueling from the fuel menu and nothing happens. I Open the weight panel myself and as soon as I touch any of the sliders, the truck goes away saying that the fuel is completed.
I tried all options available in the settings (always fuel progressively /Detect custom aircraft system refueling, etc.) but nothing seems to work.
I am flying the MSFS default TBM 930.

Is there any setting that I should force on and/or am I doing wrong?


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Re: Can't get the fuel to work properly
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2023, 01:24:12 pm »
- Detect custom aircraft system refueling should be off

- Always fuel progressively only matters for airplanes flagged using a custom fuel system, the TBM doesn't have an default internal profile, so I don't know how is flagged in the custom profile you are using. If the airplane is fueled by GSX, it will always be fueled progressively.

- Have you selected a fuel quantity higher than the one you had on board before calling the GSX Fuel Truck ? GSX doesn't simulate "Defueling" so, if you have some quantity on board, let's say 50%, and you select 40% in GSX, the Truck will just go away, because it sees you already have more than enough fuel.


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Re: Can't get the fuel to work properly
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2023, 02:19:17 pm »
Tried that, no luck. Truck arrives, and shows the list of the various options; tried to click again on custom fuel menu, nothing. I open the weight and balance page. As soon as I move the fuel slider to the right (so indeed, refueling and not defueling) truck goes away and I get the message REFUELING complete. Quite frustrating honestly

Run FSDT updater, restarted, nothing.

But do I have to select the fuel after the truck has arrived, when is on the way, before ordering?


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Re: Can't get the fuel to work properly
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2023, 08:53:33 am »
Never mind, I solved with a much better solution.

Linked with Navigraph, and I take passengers and fuel from the plight plan, so I have the option of fueling via Navigraph which makes things way way way way better!


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Re: Can't get the fuel to work properly
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2023, 03:58:14 am »
ok  since  i use  navigraph  how  do  you  use it  to refuel  the  738  since  it  takes  it  from  simbrief  the  fuel  figures


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Re: Can't get the fuel to work properly
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2023, 09:42:09 am »
I create the plan on SIMBRIEF, then as soon as you generate the flight, GSX takes the figures.

Maybe not all airplanes can do this though. I.E. I started using the CARENADO Pilatus Pc-12 and doesn't work (just opened a post a bout it)