Author Topic: Just purchased and installed GSX Pro for MSFS and caught in some type of loop.  (Read 1278 times)


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I just purchased and installed GSX Pro for MSFS earlier today and when I click the GSX button in MSFS I get the GSX loading main menu please wait window and it never does anything after that. All I see is spinning in circles around loading text. Any ideas on how to fix this?


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Same issue here, (also brand new install)  but intermittent...fixes itself after restart ... also sometimes just flashes Loading and then goes off


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Tried restarting a few times and still having the same issue. I can't use the new software I just found. Any ideas on a fix?


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    • VIRTUALI Sagl
Whenever you have a problem like this, always follow the instructions in the Sticky thread "How to report a problem", and attach your startup log:,26759.0.html


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Whenever you have a problem like this, always follow the instructions in the Sticky thread "How to report a problem", and attach your startup log:,26759.0.html

I have included the file requested. Any help would be appreciated as I haven't been able to use this software for a few days now.


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    • VIRTUALI Sagl
I have included the file requested. Any help would be appreciated as I haven't been able to use this software for a few days now.

Your log shows two problems:

- You have the airport cache enabled, which in the current version is always disabled by default and can only enabled by manually editing the Couatl_MSFS.INI file and explicitly change the line that reads "airportCache=0" that is set by the updater automatically, into "airportCache=1", which goes back to the airport cache method so, unless you have a very specific reason to use it, it's best to disable it, because the default Navdata method is way better.

- The use of the airport cache per se might not be a problem, the real issue is you disabled the WHOLE GSX entirely, see this line in your log:

"Addon GSX has been disabled by CouatlAddons.ini file"

This cannot happen by accident: you must have manually edited the Couatladdons.INI file in %APPDATA% and disabled it explicitly.  Have you possibly disabled it a long while ago, possibly in FSX ? In any case, search for the line that says:

disable = 1

in the [GSX] section of the %APPDATA%\Virtuali\Couatladdons.INI file and change it back to the correct value:

disable = 0


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I have included the file requested. Any help would be appreciated as I haven't been able to use this software for a few days now.

Your log shows two problems:

- You have the airport cache enabled, which in the current version is always disabled by default and can only enabled by manually editing the Couatl_MSFS.INI file and explicitly change the line that reads "airportCache=0" that is set by the updater automatically, into "airportCache=1", which goes back to the airport cache method so, unless you have a very specific reason to use it, it's best to disable it, because the default Navdata method is way better.

- The use of the airport cache per se might not be a problem, the real issue is you disabled the WHOLE GSX entirely, see this line in your log:

"Addon GSX has been disabled by CouatlAddons.ini file"

This cannot happen by accident: you must have manually edited the Couatladdons.INI file in %APPDATA% and disabled it explicitly.  Have you possibly disabled it a long while ago, possibly in FSX ? In any case, search for the line that says:

disable = 1

in the [GSX] section of the %APPDATA%\Virtuali\Couatladdons.INI file and change it back to the correct value:

disable = 0

Everything has been working fine since I did as you suggested. Thanks for the help, really enjoying the product.