Author Topic: Wrong or missing boarding order?  (Read 1057 times)


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Wrong or missing boarding order?
« on: April 26, 2023, 04:03:26 pm »
At boarding, I have the choice of boarding only the pilot or pilot and crew.
If I choose one of the option, the suitcases are also boarded.

a) I can't see another option to board the passengers some time after the pilot and crew and after refueling.
b) If I then select a refueling, GSX warns that the passengers are already on the plane.
From this it can be seen that GSX also lets the passengers board when pilot and crew are selected.
From my point of view, the option to let the passengers board separately, after a refuel takes place, is missing.

Captain Kevin

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Re: Wrong or missing boarding order?
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2023, 04:00:51 am »
The passengers would automatically board after the pilots and crew are boarded, so you wouldn't have to call them separately. That said, why would you call for refueling after you've called for boarding.
Captain Kevin


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Re: Wrong or missing boarding order?
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2023, 04:25:31 pm »
What's it like in real life?
When the pilot and crew are boarding, is the refueling and the GPU-Attachment already done by the airline? So doesn't need to be requested by the pilot?
If so, would I have to do the refueling and GPU-Attachment before the pilots/crew are boarding?

Then why does GSX even ask at the boarding request if only the pilot or pilot and crew should board?
Where is the sense then?

If I request refueling via GSX, I am prompted to perform refueling via the Aircraft Systerm. So there must already be a pilot in the aircraft.


« Last Edit: April 29, 2023, 04:40:21 pm by JackoJ »

Captain Kevin

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Re: Wrong or missing boarding order?
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2023, 07:28:52 pm »
I think you're getting confused with things that happen for simulator purposes versus things that happen in real life. A lot of the services that happen within GSX would happen with or without the pilots on board. For instance, the pilots wouldn't be calling for catering, which is something you as the user would have to do in GSX. As for the refueling, from various videos I've seen, the pilots would generally finalize the amount of fuel they need and order the fuel before they board the flight. Refueling takes the longest time, especially for a long-haul flight. I can't find it now, and I don't remember where I read it, but many years ago, I vaguely remember reading that when Qantas flew their 747s in to LAX, with the exception of the flight that continued on to JFK, the plane would sit on the ground for a good part of the day before making the return trip to Australia. What they would do in the interest of saving time was pre-fuel the planes to a certain amount, then when the flight was getting ready to depart, they would finalize the amount of fuel they needed and then load the remainder of the required fuel. The pilots wouldn't be on board the airplane at that point in time.

On the actual airplane, you wouldn't input the amount of fuel you need in the FMC or EFB in order to load the fuel on the airplane, that's just something that's done in the simulator to make it easier to load the fuel without having to go into a separate window to do so. On the actual airplane, the fuelers would enter it in on the refueling panel located at the refueling point on the wing. Basically, there's a lot of functions that the pilots wouldn't handle in real life, but that you would have to in the simulator since there's nobody else to do it. Hope this all made sense.
Captain Kevin