Fightbeam NZAA jeyways DO work when using the default MSFS2024 ATC comms menu. It seems that everything that relies on SimConnect to command the jetways don't work e.g. GSX, Fenix A320, iniA350, Axis and Ohs (1 (>K:TOGGLE_JETWAY)). Does this seem like a helipad problem? This is an honest question.
There are two ways the bug manifest itself:
- In SOME cases, the problem only affects add-ons that trigger the jetway, even if they work in the default ground services menu. I think this was the case of the very well known conflict at Paris caused by the Voloport package.
- In OTHER cases, the jetway doesn't even SHOW on the default ATC menu
The difference seems to be be how many *other* installed sceneries have disabled jetways for the same airport, if the add-on airport is the first one disabling jetways (because there were none in the bare default scenery on the same gate) it might be affected in a different way, compared to an airport that already had their jetways disabled by another airport which is in turn also overridden by a 3rd one, like FSDT KORD, which disables jetways and overrides MS handcrafted KORD, which also overrides the bare default KORD jetways. This "cascading" disabling seems to be the most problematic one.
The jetways animation also break if GSX services are activated before commanding the jetways via the default ATC comms menu. They work fine if GSX services are not activated prior to trying to move them.
Nobody ever reported this, but it's clearly not possibly caused by GSX, which simply sends "1 (>K:TOGGLE_JETWAY)" to the sim, exactly as if you did it from Axis and Ohs. Strictly speaking, is not even using Simconnect, but rather the Gauges API through its WASM module, since it's not possible to use the "execute_calculator_code" directly from Simconnect, it's a call from the Gauges API, so you need a WASM module to do that, and it's the ONE and ONLY purpose of the GSX WASM module and many other similar modules that needs WASM to do precisely that call.
Clearly, just sending TOGGLE_JETWAY to the sim, cannot possibly have any effect on the actual animation, other than this being yet another MSFS bug.
In any case, default jetways at default airports with NO GSX INSTALLED, still automatically breaks up their moving part from the fixed part (the straight bridge), this is probably the oldest MSFS bug, which we reported to Asobo on June 2022, even BEFORE GSX came out, they confirmed to be able to reproduce it with default airports using default jetways and clearly no GSX installed (it wasn't even out back then), but this bug has survived unfixed for the whole MSFS 2020 life, and has crept into MSFS 2024 unscathed.