Products Support > Zurich V2 for MSFS

What could be potentially so difficult...


Ankh: providing change logs? I open my FSDT Installer and I see that there is an update for LSZH but again I can find nothing anywhere about what this update actually consists of... really annoying.

We have a change log, but it's for GSX only, and is already full of stuff, so we don't include it in the Release notes of the installer.

As with any MSFS scenery, the manifest.json at the root of the package contains the latest changes, which is shown when the scenery is on the Marketplace and you press the Info icon in the Content Manager.

However, for some reason, the Info are missing if the scenery is in the Community folder, this might possibly be a bug, since the package is the same as the one that gets submitted by Microsoft, no reason not to show the manifest in both cases. In fact, it HAS been reported as a bug on Asobo developers forum:


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