Author Topic: GSX window not closing properly - not visible but still there...  (Read 1455 times)


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I have the following problem: The gsx window in msfs is not closing properly. It is not visible anymore if you click on the "x" or the "gsx" icon in the menu bar, but it is still there. I know that, because my mouse cursor is changing its shape when accidentally hovering over the border of the window (which is not visible). Also I  always have to click the gsx icon in the menu bar twice to open the gsx window.

Here is a video to make the problem more understandable:

Any help is very much appreciated.


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Re: GSX window not closing properly - not visible but still there...
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2023, 06:26:24 pm »
This is not a problem, of course and, in fact, it shows GSX IS closing "properly", because the proper way to close GSX is precisely not closing it, as explained in the manual on the chapter that explains how the menu works and how you are supposed to use it, leaving the window hidden, so it can still respond to inputs, as explained here, in addition to the manual:,28916.msg188969.html#msg188969

As discussed in that thread, the side effect of this, is that hovering with the mouse exactly on top where the border would have been, will show the mouse pointer changing.

Of course, it's not a GSX problem, it's the same for every other application that for any reason needs to be hidden and not really closed, like Navigraph Toolbar, which behaves exactly the same. Yes, I agree it would be best if an hidden window wouldn't register any mouse interaction over the border, but it's not something we have any control over it.


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Re: GSX window not closing properly - not visible but still there...
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2023, 08:29:28 pm »
First at all thank you @virtualy for your fast response.
OK well, I guess I have to admit that I didn't read the manual. I understand that there is no possibility to change that behaviour (at least at the moment and also not from your side). I'm happy that there is no problem or fault from my site. So I will have to put up with it, although in my opinion it is not the best situation as the changing cursor can cause some trouble in all the cockpit knobs and switches.

Best Regards and happy flying :)


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Re: GSX window not closing properly - not visible but still there...
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2023, 10:06:34 pm »
although in my opinion it is not the best situation as the changing cursor can cause some trouble in all the cockpit knobs and switches.

Which is why, in the other thread I linked, I suggested to find a position/size for the GSX menu that would interfere as little as possible.

Or, of course, you can always close it from the toolbar, which is a "real" close, but you need to be aware of the side effects, which are:

- If GSX needs to pop-up a menu in the middle of a service ( for example when you called Pushback, and later on, GSX will ask for a direction ), it won't show up, because closing the toolbar menu will kill the menu code, so the menu will be dead until it's later reopened.

- You'll lose any text notifications either, for the same reasons, for as long the menu is closed.

- You won't be able to bring it back with the hotkey, for the same reason.