I cannot reproduce any crashes using the Navdata. There is ONE setting that might be system-dependent, and we are not really sure how it works on different configuration, and it's this one:
- Windows 8 Compatibility settings for the \Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\couatl64\couatl64_MSFS.exe
A few updates ago, we enabled it by default because, according to several users, it fixed the problem of crashing in flight with the Navdata enabled.
I don't really understand why it should make a difference, because there's just *nothing* in our code that ever references Windows 8, nobody at FSDT uses Windows 8, and the .EXE is obviously compiled with the Windows 10 SDK, and nowhere I could find precise, exact, information about what the option really does, which might help understanding WHY it helped lots of users.
But we always trust and listen users reports and, after so many coming in saying it was that option that fixed all their crashes in flight, we Enabled it by default.
But it might not work for everybody, so the first suggestion is Disabling it, and see if it makes any difference for you.