Author Topic: Operate Stairs Button Causing Couatl Crash On PMDG 737  (Read 1151 times)


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Operate Stairs Button Causing Couatl Crash On PMDG 737
« on: March 24, 2023, 09:17:40 am »
Seemed to be working this morning when I landed at this airport but after reloading the sim for another flight Couatl crashes whenever I request stairs. Seems to be isolated to the PMDG 737, tested with other aircraft and it appears to work fine.

This seems to be what is causing the issue:

problem raised by engine or unspecified addon

I have done fresh installs of both the PMDG aircraft & GSX as well as testing with only those two addons in the community folder, nothing has helped.

EDIT 1: I have discovered that if I press deboard, the stairs will attach to the aircraft fine, it's only if I use the 'Operate Stairs' function that seems to crash Couatl.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2023, 10:22:10 am by virtuali »


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Re: Operate Stairs Button Causing Couatl Crash On PMDG 737
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2023, 11:00:24 am »
I tried operating Stairs upon starting a flight with the PMDG 737, and they work normally. Your log shows something that shouldn't happen:

TIMEOUT: GSX checkAirplane STALL

This triggered a watchdog routine that is a emergency feature that is called when Simconnect stops responding for MORE than 60 seconds, which should never happen, and it triggered an intentional restart of the Couatl engine, to cover the possible chance being "stuck" was its fault, but if that restart didn't fixed it, it means Simconnect being stuck was caused by something else.

Are you using AI Traffic injection perhaps ?


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Re: Operate Stairs Button Causing Couatl Crash On PMDG 737
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2023, 05:51:06 am »
I wasn't at the time, as I did a fresh install of my addons to try and find a conflict and only used GSX & PMDG in my Community folder while I tested it. The strange thing is it seems like it was only the operate stairs button that caused the conflict, I used jetways fine earlier and I can't figure out why the deboard button would work while the operate stairs wouldn't, I assume deboard uses the same event trigger to move the stairs to the aircraft? It definitely seems like a simconnect error, but I tested it on the FBW A32NX and it the operate stairs button worked normally, so I figured it was maybe an issue with the 737 itself but a fresh install didn't change anything. I tried editing the aircraft profile to see if that did anything, I unchecked the embedded stair box and clicked the open door button (which was blank for some reason) and it caused couatl to crash again(See screenshot 1 & log). When I restarted Couatl it seemed to get stuck, so GSX went unresponsive but Couatl seemed to still be running in the background and had created a slight memory leak growing at about 3-5MB/s (See screenshot 2, no AI traffic injection as you can see, the airport is empty). The leak stopped growing when I exited to main menu and then it was released after exiting MSFS.

The only addons I'm currently using that interface with Simconnect are Spad.Next & Navigraph Simlink, the rest are just sceneries & liveries, but I tested it again without any of those addons and I had the same result, the memory leak only occured once though. Not a major issue, I'll just avoid the Aircraft options and operate stairs button for now.



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Re: Operate Stairs Button Causing Couatl Crash On PMDG 737
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2023, 02:51:16 pm »
Well, you log surely showed something very wrong happening, like the whole communication with Windows blocked for some reason.

The leak stopped growing when I exited to main menu and then it was released after exiting MSFS.

This seems to indicate something was wrong in the sim itself, with a partial cleanup when returning to the main menu, and a complete one when restarting the sim. I might be able to say more if more data and further reports from other users would eventually came.

I can only say operate stairs works normally with the PMDG here, tried both at parking spots with Jetways or without.