Author Topic: Suggestion for future update: Choosing the number of cans in the cargo hold  (Read 697 times)


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Hello, I have a suggestion for an update to GSX Level 2.

Since GSX's inception the number of cans that go into aircraft holds has been limited to 5 ULDs per cargo hold if an aircraft is configured to take them. That works perfectly on the Airbus A321, but for any other aircraft, 5 cans is either too many (e.g. the A320 can only take 3 AKHs up the front and 4 at the back) or too few (e.g. the 747-400 can take 16 AKEs per hold).

My proposal to fix this issue is as such. Through the customize aircraft option, a simple addition of "number of cans in hold" with a selection of either automatic or manual, giving people the ability to choose any number they like. That way, for those who don't want to wait for 16 cans to show up, they don't have to, but for those who want a bit more realism, like myself, they can. For example, the 747-400 has the ability to fill both the forward and aft cargo holds with either 16 AKEs, 8 ALFs or 5 AMFs per hold.

It also wouldn't take much from a coding perspective. There is already an option for vehicles to make multiple trips, i.e. multiple bus loads filling an aircraft parked at a remote stand, so conceivably, that same line of code could be repeated for tugs towing LD3s with cans on them.

I have no doubt this could be implemented in a straightforward way relatively quickly, but I suppose that would depend on the popularity of my proposal.

Thanks for taking the time to read this